英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:12:04



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副词: queasily 名词: queasiness

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  • 催吐的
  • (略有)不安的
  • (易)呕吐的
  • 易反胃的
  • 过于小心的
  • 恶心的
  • 欲吐的
  • 稍感紧张的
  • 心神不定的
  • 不稳定的
  • 使人作呕的
  • 使人眩晕欲吐的
  • 要呕的
  • 心软的
  • 顾虑重重的
  • 易不安的
  • 不舒服


1. causing or fraught with or showing anxiety

e.g. spent an anxious night waiting for the test results
cast anxious glances behind her
those nervous moments before takeoff
an unquiet mind

Synonym: anxiousnervousuneasyunquiet

2. feeling nausea
feeling about to vomit

Synonym: nauseatednauseoussicksickish

3. causing or able to cause nausea

e.g. a nauseating smell
nauseous offal
a sickening stench

Synonym: nauseatingnauseousnoisomeloathsomeoffensivesickeningvile

1. 恶心的;想呕吐的
If you feel queasy or if you have a queasy stomach, you feel rather ill, as if you are going to be sick.


e.g. He was very prone to seasickness and already felt queasy.

The food did nothing to stifle her queasiness.

2. 忧虑的;不安的;担心的
If you feel queasy about something, you are a little worried about it.

e.g. Some people feel queasy about how their names and addresses have been obtained.

Despite their queasiness, if war comes, most MPs will back our lads.

1. 催吐的:queasiness 恶心 | queasy 催吐的 | quebracho 白坚木

2. 不稳定的:hypnotic 催眠的、催眠药 | queasy 不稳定的 | reserve 存储、预备、预约

3. 不喜欢的,令人作呕的:puttee 绑腿,裹腿 | python 蟒蛇,巨蛇 | queasy 不喜欢的,令人作呕的(

4. queasy

4. 使人反胃的:queasily /令人**地/ | queasy /使人反胃的/ | queazy /不稳定/

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

How queasy we become in the presence of anyone who supposes that he has charm when he really has none!(在一个不受欢迎而自以为颇具魅力的人面前多不舒服!)
The White House, though queasy about a swaps ban, has not publicly opposed it.(白宫,虽然不愿实施掉期交易禁令,但没有公开反对它。)
Moderates will be queasy about a recent crackdown on female dress and on press freedoms.(中间派不满意最近在女士服饰上的打压以及对自己的打压。)
He was very prone to seasickness and already felt queasy.(他很容易晕船,此时已经感到恶心了。)
But many others, especially those who have been campaigning for many decades, remain queasy.(但是很多其他人,特别是那些已经战斗了几十年的人,仍然对他们予以怀疑。)
Instead, he felt queasy.(相反,他觉得焦虑不安。)
Now that you mention it, I here's feeling a little queasy.(既然你都问了,我感觉有点想要吐。)
There was a queasy mess upon the plate.(盘子上有一堆令人作呕的食物。)
A queasy economy means that tax receipts will soon flag and the number of welfare claimants will rise.(动荡的经济意味着税收锐减,申领救济的人数将会增加。)
It is right and proper to feel queasy about the cash be dumped in your lap.(这么一大把钱扔到你怀里,感到不安是正确而符合逻辑的。)
queasy是什么意思 queasy在线翻译 queasy什么意思 queasy的意思 queasy的翻译 queasy的解释 queasy的发音 queasy的同义词