英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:37:55



英 [rɪˈmɑ:nd]

美 [rɪˈmænd]



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名词: remandment 过去式: remanded 过去分词: remanded 现在分词: remanding 第三人称单数: remands

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  • 送还
  • 遣回
  • 发回重审
  • 【律】还押(命令)
  • 送回
  • 召回
  • 押候
  • 被还押者
  • 案件的发回
  • 退押
  • 发回
  • 遣回
  • 将…发回重审
  • 【律】将…还押候审
  • 送回
  • 【律】还押(被告、嫌疑犯)
  • 送还
  • 叫回
  • 召回
  • 命令归回
  • 押候
  • 发回(案件)至下级法院
  • 押回
  • 检查
  • 检阅
  • 发回下级法院复审
  • 归还
  • 命令归还


1. the act of sending an accused person back into custody to await trial (or the continuation of the trial)


1. refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision

Synonym: remitsend back

2. lock up or confine, in or as in a jail

e.g. The suspects were imprisoned without trial
the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life

Synonym: imprisonincarceratelagimmureput behind barsjailjuggaolput away

1. 将…还押候审;使取保候审
If a person who is accused of a crime is remanded in custody or on bail, they are told to return to the court at a later date, when their trial will take place.

e.g. Carter was remanded in custody for seven days...
e.g. Both were remanded on bail by Wrexham magistrates until March 24.

2. 还押候审(期);取保候审(期)
Remand is used to refer to the process of remanding someone in custody or on bail, or to the period of time until their trial begins.


e.g. The remand hearing is often over in three minutes...
e.g. This will mean more remand prisoners being held in police cells...


1. 发回重审:美国国际贸易法院应当先审查相关的决定是否有实质性的证据支持,以及是否符合相关的法律,亦即对行政机关在行政过程中所获取的信息的事实问题和法律问题进行合法性审查,针对行政机关作出的判决,绝大多数是发回重审(remand),以保证对行政机关自由裁量权的充分尊重,

2. 送回:remalloy 铁钴钼永磁合金 | remand 送回 | remanence permeability 剩磁磁导率


3. 送还:remand home 少年犯拘留所 | remand 送还 | remanence 剩磁

4. 奉还:4 Repeal 撤回 | 4 Remand 奉还 | 4 Perilous Research 冒险探寻

He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.(等候判决期间他被还押候审一个星期。)
Tam Gap Correctional Institution, which accommodates remand prisoners, training centre inmates and young prisoners.(年轻女犯在大潭峡惩教所服刑。该惩教所收容还押犯、教导所犯人和年轻犯人。)
The remand hearing is often over in three minutes.(取保候审听证会通常在3分钟内结束。)
He is currently being held on remand.(他正被还押候审。)
The relation between the remand for new trial and the principle of no appeal resulting in additional punishment is seldom discussed before.(发回重审和上诉不加刑原则的关系问题很少有人论及。)
At the remand prison, a remorseful Jinlong begs for Peishan's forgiveness. He also expresses his wish to donate his cornea to Shixian in order to redeem himself.(在拘留所里,金龙希望佩珊可以原谅自己的过错,并且表示愿意把眼角膜捐给世贤替自己赎罪。)
On remand, the CAFC should attempt to relate the issue to the scope of review for other issues that arise in patent appeals.(在发回重审时,联邦巡回法院应该尝试在专利上诉时联系它的复审范围。)
This will mean more remand prisoners being held in police cells.(这将意味着更多候审犯人会被拘押在警局拘留室。)
These rules may be cited as the remand home rules and shall apply to the places of detention specified in the schedule.(本规则可引称为《羁留院规则》,并适用于附表所指明的拘留地方。)
Ascertain the home's pattern of small town with new remand and climate.(结合居民新的居住要求和天气情况,确定小城镇家居功能模式。)
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