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更新时间:2025-03-10 19:13:46
  • 网络解释

1. remittee

1. 领款人:remittance 汇款 | remittee 领款人 | remittent 缓解的

2. remittee的意思

2. 匯款領取人:remittance 匯款,匯寄 | remittee 匯款領取人 | remitter 匯款人

3. 领取汇款人:Remittance 顺汇 | remittee 领取汇款人 | remitter 汇款人

4. remittee的反义词

4. 收款人:remittance汇付,汇款 | remittee收款人 | remitter汇款人

The remittee can use the deposit book appointed by the remitter to draw the money in the local icbc outlet appointed by the remitter 24hours after the general remittance being transacted.(取款收款人可在普通汇款汇出24小时内,持汇款人指定汇入的存折到当地汇款人指定的工商银行网点取款。)
Soif , to give every individual victim of major human rights violation still remittee violations, the right to a remedy before an International Human Rights Courtinternational human rights court.(所以,赋予每个主要的人权受到侵犯的个体可以在国际人权法庭得到救济的权利。)
If the money is remitted to the individual, the remittee can take his valid ID card to the appointed local ICBC service outlet to draw the money.(汇给个人名下的,由收款人持有效身份证件到指定工商银行营业网点办理取款手续。)
Please read them carefully and fill in the name of the remittee his address and the amount.(请仔细把它们读一读,填上收款人姓名、地址和汇款金额。)
The remittee bank shall guarantee cash disbursement for settlement vouchers with a cash seal.(凡加盖“现金”字样的结算凭证,汇入银行必须保证支付现金。)
We'd send a telegram to order the correspondent bank to advise and pay the money to the remittee.(我们要发电报给那儿的代理行,经它去通知收款人,并付给收款人汇款金额。)
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