英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:26:41



英 [raɪp]

美 [raɪp]


副词: ripely 比较级: riper 最高级: ripest 名词: ripeness

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  • 时机成熟的
  • 成熟的
  • 适宜的
  • 成年的
  • 高龄的
  • 适宜食用的
  • 醇美的
  • 圆滑的
  • 老成的
  • 准备妥当的
  • 化脓的
  • 老练的
  • 成人的
  • 圆熟的
  • 已准备妥当的
  • 红润丰满的
  • 已养肥(可宰食)的(动物)
  • =Reseaux IP Europeens【计】以呼应并提升在欧洲的TCP/IP网路的群体组织
  • 成熟的 (especially of fruit and crops) fully grown and ready to be eaten
  • [P](准备、计划、时机)成熟的 in a suitable condition (for sth, especially a change or new development)


1. far along in time

e.g. a man of advanced age
advanced in years
a ripe old age
the ripe age of 90

Synonym: advanced

2. at the highest point of development especially in judgment or knowledge

e.g. a ripe mind

3. fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used

e.g. ripe peaches
full-bodied mature wines

Synonym: mature

4. most suitable or right for a particular purpose

e.g. a good time to plant tomatoes
the right time to act
the time is ripe for great sociological changes

Synonym: goodright

1. (水果、谷物等)成熟的
Ripe fruit or grain is fully grown and ready to eat.

e.g. Always choose firm, but ripe fruit.
e.g. ...fields of ripe wheat.

Test the figs for ripeness.

2. (时机)成熟的,适宜的
If a situation is ripe for a particular development or event, you mean that development or event is likely to happen soon.

e.g. Conditions were ripe for an outbreak of cholera...
e.g. This society is ripe for change.

3. (活到)高龄
If someone lives to a ripe old age, they live until they are very old.

e.g. He lived to the ripe old age of 95.

4. 唾手可得;得到…易如反掌
If something is ripe for picking or ripe for plucking, it will be very easy to obtain.

e.g. Haig's message was that victory was ripe for picking.

5. 时机已经成熟
If you say the time is ripe, you mean that a suitable time has arrived for something to be done.

e.g. He told reporters that he thought the time was ripe for a normalisation of relations...
e.g. The British Foreign Office has decided the time is ripe to send its first female ambassador to the region.

1. 成熟:联邦地方法院的裁决是因赔偿损失之事尚未成熟(RIPE)伊州州法院尚未作出需要赔偿的决定﹐故不对该项争议作出判决. 联邦地方法院还裁决NAUTILUS有义务为被包人辩护. 法院作出该裁决的理由为房东没有遵守伊州法律提前通知邻居拆房﹐所以其造成的损失﹐属於被保范围.

2. 熟:以3个品种杨梅果实为材料,将采后果实分为未成熟(immature)、成熟(mature)和完熟(ripe)3种不同成熟度,在20℃下48 h贮藏过程中,每隔3 h检测一次呼吸速率和乙烯释放速率,并分析成熟过程相关的品质变化.结果表明,

3. 熟的:ripcord 开伞索 | ripe 熟的 | ripely 成熟地

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    时机成熟,准备就绪 ready; fit; prepared
  • A ripe lemon is yellow.
  • He likes to drink ripe wine.
  • Her husband died in ripe years.
  • The book bears all the signs of being the product of a ripe scholar.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • Blackberries were big and ripe.

    出自:A. Sillitoe
  • Choosing ripe fruit will avoid the need to balance the acidity.

    出自:V. Bramwell
  • Even runnier than a ripe Brie.

    出自:Country Homes
  • On Trees..they ripe the Plum and Pear.

    出自:J. Sylvester
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • ripe可指水果以及谷物果实的自然成熟,达到了可以收获食用的程度; 也可表示奶酪、酒之类的东西,经自然醇化或发酵而成熟; 还可指某项计划已有充分准备,而到时机成熟的阶段。用于人时,既可指“年事已高”,也可指“老练”。
  • ripe用于非正式用语中含有贬义,表示“粗鄙的,荒唐的”,在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。
  • ripe常跟介词for连用。
  • ripe在句中用作表语时,其后所接的动词不定式的主动形式可表示被动意义。
ripe, mature, mellow
  • 这组词的共同意思是“成熟”,其区别在于:
  • 1.ripe和mellow都可表示“成熟可供食用”, ripe可用于水果、谷物、酒、奶酪等,而mellow只用于水果,不用于谷物。用于水果时, ripe侧重可供食用,而mellow侧重其成熟甘甜而引人喜爱。例如:
  • Apples are at their best in the autumn when they are at their fattest and most mellow.秋天,苹果最好吃,长得最大、最甜。
  • 2.ripe, mature和mellow都可用于修饰人, mature指人生理上的成熟,而ripe和mellow指人思想、心理、感情、行为上的成熟老练; mellow只用于褒义,而ripe不仅可以用于褒义,还可用于贬义,指“老朽,粗俗”。例如:
  • A marriage contracted in mature years often turns out best.成熟年龄阶段结合的婚姻通常证明是最佳婚姻。
  • I've seen him grow more mellow over the years.我看他这些年来渐渐成熟起来。
  • That joke was rather ripe.那个笑话太粗俗了。
    • ☆ 直接源自古英语的ripe,意为可以收获的。
    He lived to the ripe old age of 91.(他活到了91岁的高龄。)
    "Shake me, shake me, I pray," cried the tree; "my apples, one and all, are ripe."(“摇我,摇我,拜托了。”树哭着说;“我的苹果,一个个都熟了。”)
    He hurt his shoulder not long ago, trying to knock ripe mangoes from a tree.(不久前,他试图把成熟的芒果从树上敲下来,弄伤了肩膀。)
    The peaches are ripe.(桃子成熟了。)
    Take into consideration that more and more people can afford robots, and the time seems ripe to introduce robots to the ordinary family.(考虑到越来越多的人买得起机器人,把机器人介绍给普通家庭的时机似乎已经成熟了。)
    The education industry is ripe for a change, and let's try to accept online education.(改变教育行业的条件已经成熟,让我们尝试接受在线教育吧。)
    The time may not be ripe.(时机可能还不成熟。)
    If he survived his 63rd year he might hope to live to a ripe old age.(如果他能活到63岁,他可能希望活到高龄。)
    Some of us make it to the ripe old age of 80, 90, 100 or more.(我们有些人活到八十、九十、一百岁甚至更老。)
    "Shake me, shake me, I pray; my apples, one and all, are ripe," it cried.(“摇我,摇我,拜托了;我的苹果全都熟了。”它叫道。)
    ripe是什么意思 ripe在线翻译 ripe什么意思 ripe的意思 ripe的翻译 ripe的解释 ripe的发音 ripe的同义词