英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:37:44


英 [ˈsændstɔ:m]

美 [ˈsændstɔ:rm]



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1. a windstorm that lifts up clouds of dust or sand

e.g. it was the kind of duster not experienced in years

Synonym: dust stormdustersirocco

1. 沙暴;沙尘暴
A sandstorm is a strong wind in a desert area, which carries sand through the air.

1. 沙暴:shQbQO 沙暴(sandstorm)强风将大量尘沙吹 卷到空中,有效能见度降到1 000米以下的 现象. 亦称沙尘暴. 发生沙暴的气象条件是份-一 巍涵 沙暴 地面风速10米每秒(5级)以上,空气热力 不稳定. 爬线、龙卷、锋和其他对流性不稳 定天气引起的大风,

2. 沙漠风暴:除了在多人连线有所增加及补强外,在单机的剧情方面也新增三个单人剧情任务:新干线(Fastline),沙漠风暴(Sandstorm)以及黑金梦(PipeDream新干线里,您将得以扮演日本机动队,对抗破坏新干线的恐怖份子;沙漠风暴则是英国SAS解除化武;

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Gradually, the whole caravan submerged in a raging sandstorm and the darkness of night.(渐渐地,整个商队淹没在了狂暴的风沙与夜幕的黑暗中。)
The men lost their way in a sandstorm and crossed the border by mistake.(这些男人在沙尘暴中迷了路,误越了边境。)
The hazards of sandstorm and soil erosion are serious.(风沙危害和水土流失严重。)
The men lost their way in a sandstorm.(那些人在沙尘暴中迷路了。)
There were millions of them around us – a locust sandstorm.(我们周围有数百万只蝗虫–一场蝗虫风暴。)
A sandstorm is brewing at the Shousha refugee camp on Tunisia's border with Libya.(在突尼斯和利比亚边界的舒沙难民营,一场沙尘暴即将到来。)
One is the dust on the ground material. It is the material basis of form sandstorm.(一是地面上的沙尘物质。它是形成沙尘暴的物质基础。)
I finished stacking the boxes on top of the television. She was looking at the sandstorm again.(说完我把盒子放在电视上她又开始看沙尘暴了“你确信你什么都对吗?”)
Anne : I heard of sandstorm in China recently.(我还听说,在中国最近有沙尘暴。)
With even the lightest wind, the tiny particles take flight, blotting out the sky like a thick sandstorm of ash.(即使最轻微的风,也会让灰粒四溢,向由煤灰形成的沙尘暴一般遮盖天空。)
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