英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:40:45



英 [skɔ:ld]

美 [skɔld]



过去式: scalded 过去分词: scalded 现在分词: scalding 第三人称单数: scalds

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 用沸水烫,烫,把...放在滚水中过一下
  • 烫伤,烫痛
  • 用沸水消毒,用沸水烫洗
  • 把...加热至接近沸点
  • 晒焦
  • 嫩煮
  • 热(牛奶),烫热
  • 把…烫伤
  • 用蒸汽烫
  • 烫伤
  • 晒焦,灼枯
  • 头癣
  • 吟唱诗人
  • 烫,烫洗
  • 植物的一种萎病
  • 结痂的(=scabby)


1. the act of burning with steam or hot water

2. a burn cause by hot liquid or steam


1. burn with a hot liquid or steam

e.g. She scalded her hands when she turned on the faucet and hot water came out

2. heat to the boiling point

e.g. scald the milk

3. treat with boiling water

e.g. scald tomatoes so that they can be peeled

4. subject to harsh criticism

e.g. The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday
the professor scaled the students
your invectives scorched the community

Synonym: blisterwhip

1. (用滚烫的液体、蒸汽)烫伤
If you scald yourself, you burn yourself with very hot liquid or steam.

e.g. A patient scalded herself in a hot bath.
e.g. ...a child with a scalded hand.

2. 烫伤
A scald is a burn caused by very hot liquid or steam.

1. scald

1. 烫伤:小儿烧伤(burn)因年龄的特点及活动范围与成人不同,多为热水烫伤(scald),少数为火烧伤或其他高温物质烧伤. 常由于家长或保育人员在日常生活中照顾不周所致. 烧伤患儿以5岁以下者占大多数,因此时小儿对周围事物已有兴趣,好奇心强,

2. 识变色:scalariform vessel 梯纹导管 | scald 识变色 | scale 标

3. 用热汤洗:scalar quantity 标量 | scald 用热汤洗 | scale 刻度

4. 死烤的(很烤的) 烫 伤:strong 死壮(很强壮) 强 壮 | scald 死烤的(很烤的) 烫 伤 | shop 小呕 铺 商 店

5. scald:structural computer – aided logic design; 结构化计算机辅助逻辑设计

  • 经典引文

  • You young scald: if I had you here I'd teach you manners.

    出自:G. B. Shaw
  • The springs..hot enough to scald a child seriously.

    出自:R. L. Stevenson
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Conclusion Emu oil can alleviate inflammation in the scald wound and promote wound healing in rats.(结论鸸鹋油对创面无明显疼痛刺激作用,可减轻烧伤创面炎症反应,促进创面的愈合。)
Overheated food either the drink will scald the mouth.(过热的食物饮料会烫伤口腔。)
I used for a scald in my skin and it really relieved my skin.(我用它涂在我皮肤的烫伤处,感觉真的很舒服。)
Conclusion the Burn-scald tincture of herb can inhibit the acute inflammation.(结论消炎烧烫酊对急性炎症有抑制作用。)
Be careful not to scald yourself with the steam.(小心别让蒸汽把你烫着。)
A severe scald can mean a long stay in hospital, and a really severe one can kill.(严重的烫伤药住院很长一段时间,十分严重的也可能置人于死地。)
Hotter water increases the risk of scald injury.(水温越高,烫伤的危险就越高。)
Scald struggle traditional premium rubber tire less easily than sulfur or sulfur phenomenon.(传统电烫斗补胎容易造成橡胶欠硫或过硫的现象。)
Objective The effects of Zhixiaoling ointment on burning and scald of skin.(目的探讨止消灵软膏对皮肤溃疡、烧烫伤的治疗效果。)
This kind of ointment will heal the scald.(这种软膏能使烫伤痊愈。)
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