英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 21:18:11



英 [ˈsku:tə(r)]

美 [ˈskutɚ]


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  • 踏板车,机踏车,电单车
  • 小型摩托车
  • 滑行艇,带滑橇的平底帆船,水上冰上两用的平底小帆船
  • 滑板车
  • 速克达机车
  • 水枪
  • 喷水器
  • 【农】开垄犁
  • 骑低座小型摩托车
  • 乘坐滑行艇


1. large black diving duck of northern parts of the northern hemisphere

Synonym: scoter

2. a sailing vessel with runners and a cross-shaped frame
suitable for traveling over ice

Synonym: iceboatice yacht

3. a wheeled vehicle with small wheels and a low-powered gasoline engine geared to the rear wheel

Synonym: motor scooter

4. child's two-wheeled vehicle operated by foot

5. a motorboat resembling a motor scooter

Synonym: water scootersea scooter

1. 小型摩托车
A scooter is a small light motorcycle which has a low seat.

2. (儿童)踏板车,滑板车
A scooter is a type of child's bicycle which has two wheels joined by a wooden board and a handle on a long pole attached to the front wheel. The child stands on the board with one foot, and uses the other foot to move forwards.

1. scooter是什么意思

1. 滑板车:主营项目:滑板车(SCOOTER)五金配件加工;来料加工;五金配件技术产品开发;; 主营行业:工业制品代理; 其他未分类; 注册资金:; 公...

2. 电动脚踏车:后者又可细分为电动脚踏车(scooter)、游乐车(fun)、路用车(roadmotorcycle)和越野车(off-roadmotorcycle). 目前在澳热销的摩托车分为两类:运动车型,主要是250cc、660cc和1000cc三种;路用和越野车型,排气量在250cc-500cc之间.

3. 小型摩托车:在摩托车行业,报告认为,尽管摩托车行业所面临的问题并不能全部归责于中国的竞争,但是,一些令人忧虑的的信号也同时存在. 例如,一些中国产小型摩托车(Scooter)的网上报价如此之低,以至于不得不让人称之为倾销.

I got there by scooter.(我骑轻型机车去那儿。)
It provides open-air vehicles, using a scooter engine with a fibreglass frame, similar to those used by Tour Coupes.(它提供采用小轮摩托发动机和玻璃纤维结构的敞篷车,与TourCoupes公司的车类似。)
Half a dozen schools in the borough report scooter-commuting rates of over 30%.(市镇报告中几乎有六个学校单轮滑的通勤率到达30%以上。)
The mailman would arrive on a motor-scooter, sputtering up the switchbacks of the driveway; the farm plow was horse-drawn.(当年,邮差是踩着机动滑板车,穿行在乡间蜿蜒起伏的车道上,一路发出突突声。那时的犁是用马拉的。)
When you drive, bike, or scooter to work each morning, do you pass a university?(当你开着轿车,自行车,或者踏板车,开始工作的每个清晨,你是否会路过一所大学?)
The case can be detached from the scooter and wheeled around in the same way as an ordinary suitcase.(这种箱子可以与小型摩托车分离,并像普通行李箱一样转动。)
With all four engines at full power, HB-SIA is only as powerful as a motor scooter.(所有的引擎全功率运转时其力量也只有一个脚踏车那么大小。)
Skateboard/foot scooter.(滑板/脚踏滑板车。)
After returning our scooter, we were dropped back at the ferry and bought our tickets to return to Xiamen.(在归还了小摩托车以后,我们被载去码头买了回厦门的票。)
Mobile computing: water cooled computer and scooter combo.(机动的电脑:水冷机箱和小型摩托车的结合。)
scooter是什么意思 scooter在线翻译 scooter什么意思 scooter的意思 scooter的翻译 scooter的解释 scooter的发音 scooter的同义词