英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:44:29


英 [ˈskɔ:tʃɪŋ]

美 [ˈskɔ:rtʃɪŋ]


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1. hot and dry enough to burn or parch a surface

e.g. scorching heat


1. capable of causing burns

e.g. it was scorching hot

1. 酷热的;高温的
Scorching or scorching hot weather or temperatures are very hot indeed.

e.g. That race was run in scorching weather...
e.g. It was a scorching hot day.

1. 焦烧:(78)焦烧(Scorching) 焦烧是指橡胶胶料在加工过程中产生的早期硫化现象. 为了避免烧焦的危险,可添加防焦剂,如氯丁橡胶混炼时加入的醋酸钠.

2. 早期硫化:scopoline 莨若林 | scorching 早期硫化 | scorification 熔融法

3. 激烈的:scorcher 大热天 | scorching 激烈的 | score out 划掉

4. 烧焦:scorcher 极热的东西 | scorching 烧焦 | scorchline 簇叶烧焦线

He looked down, and then glanced up at me through his long black lashes, his ocher eyes scorching.(他垂下头,然后抬起眼,透过他又长又黑的睫毛盯着我。他黑金色的眼睛发出灼热的光芒。)
In a nearby outdoor cafe, 21-year-old Maryam Malik sat with a friend in the scorching heat.(在附近的一个露天咖啡馆,21岁的马莉亚姆·马利克跟一个朋友坐在烈日下。)
The sun feels scorching.(太阳晒得人热辣辣的。)
It ignited, killing 115 people who had gathered to scoop the precious liquid into jerrycans and scorching hundreds more.(汽油点燃后,聚集在周围并在地上铲油的115名群众被烧死,另几百人被烧伤。)
The volcano spewed out more scorching volcanic ashes, gases, and rocks.(该火山喷出了更多灼热的火山灰、各种气体和岩石。)
Guard at every crossing where stand you and miss you into a scorching pain.(让自己守望在有你的每一个路口,把想你想成了一种伤,一种灼人的伤。)
One day all 10 SUNS appeared at once, scorching the planet with their heat.(有一天10个太阳同时出现在天空中,巨大的热量几乎把地球烤焦了。)
Now space experts want to see how the comet has changed after its tour around the scorching sun.(现在专家期待着观察彗星在环绕灼热太阳飞行之后会发生怎样的变化。)
Kelly thinks the scorching temperatures are behind around three-quarters of the reported deaths.(凯利认为,灼热的气温是约四分之三已报告死者的死亡原因。)
One concern is that studies with treadmills may not accurately reflect what happens outside on a scorching day.(须考虑的是用跑步机研究不能准确反映户外的酷热环境。)
scorching是什么意思 scorching在线翻译 scorching什么意思 scorching的意思 scorching的翻译 scorching的解释 scorching的发音 scorching的同义词