英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 17:34:34


英 ['skɔ:nfəlɪ]

美 ['skɔ:nfəlɪ]


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1. without respect
in a disdainful manner

e.g. she spoke of him contemptuously

Synonym: contemptuouslydisdainfullycontumeliously

1. 轻蔑地:scornful 轻蔑的 | scornfully 轻蔑地 | scornfulness 轻蔑

2. 轻蔑地,藐视地:scornful /表示轻蔑的/轻视的/轻视/ | scornfully /轻蔑地/藐视地/ | scornfulness /轻蔑/侮辱/

3. 藐视地:scoringscuffing 划痕 | scornfully 藐视地 | scorodite 臭葱石

4. 轻蔑地 (书面语):bloke; 男人 (英式俚语) | scornfully:轻蔑地 (书面语) | stife a smile:忍住笑 (书面语)

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  • 临近词

"I would almost rather have no children at all," she said disdainfully [scornfully].(“我宁可一个孩子也没有。”她轻蔑地说。)
He shrugged and said scornfully: Of course not.(他不屑地一撇嘴,一摊手,一耸肩:当然不是。)
An English newspaper scornfully called him an Italian "organ grinder without a monkey" .(一家英文报纸甚至蔑视地把他叫做意大利的“不玩猴子的卖艺人。”)
'God! What a beautiful creature!' laughed Heathcliff scornfully. 'That's worse than I expected!'(“上帝!多漂亮的小家伙!”希斯·克利夫轻蔑地笑起来。“比我预想的还不如!”)
She laughed scornfully.(她轻蔑地大笑。)
Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold.(轻蔑地看了她一眼后,便告诉她那件衣服已经卖出去了。)
Your brother is wondrous fond of you too, isn't he? 'observed Heathcliff scornfully.(“你哥哥也特别喜欢你吧,是不是?”希刺克厉夫讥讽地说。)
Also smiling scornfully, he said, "What do you know about antiques!"(鸿渐也冷笑道:“你懂什么古董不古董!”)
"Who shall I say wants him?" said the innkeeper, looking scornfully at the farmer's country clothes.(“我该说是谁要找他呢?”旅店老板用瞧不起的眼光望着狄发拉一身乡下人的装扮。)
"That's ridiculous," Jed said scornfully.(“可笑!”杰德说,轻蔑地说。)
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