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更新时间:2025-03-10 19:49:48
  • 临近词

When she went off to see her parents for the weekend I thought nothing of it.(她周末去看她的父母时,我没觉得有什么奇怪的。)
To cement his power, Babur needed to see off rivals.(为了巩固他的权力,巴布尔需要赶走对手。)
Representatives from Chinese-funded institutions, overseas Chinese and Chinese students also went to the airport to see off the premier.(在土中资机构、华侨、留学生代表也到机场欢送。)
He's wearing a wig—you can see it a mile off.(他戴着假发,你一眼就能看出来。)
And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the plays, but to look at Anne Hathaway's Cottage, Shakespeare's birthplace and the other sights.(有些游客来这里不是为了看戏,而是来参观安妮·海瑟薇的小屋、莎士比亚的出生地和其他景点,一些镇民主要靠这类游客为生。)
I'll just take a look outside and see if everything's quiet, and then we really must be off.(我去外面看看,看看是不是一切都很安静,然后我们真的得出发了。)
Male antler flies do the same, except they use their antlers to head-butt each other—to see off rivals.(雄性鹿角蝇也做同样的事情,只不过它们用鹿角互相头撞头——以赶走竞争对手。)
First off, let's see how much it'll cost.(首先咱们看看这要花多少钱。)
Lawson has been around long enough to see off pipsqueak MPs, even if their questions are, actually, quite valid.(劳森是老手了,能够赶走无足轻重的议员,尽管他们的问题实际上是非常正当的。)
Everton needed extra time to see off West Brom 2-1 at Goodison Park.(埃弗顿在古德逊花园球场加时以2-1送走了西布朗队。)
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