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更新时间:2025-03-10 19:52:35



英 [ˈsemɪnəri]

美 [ˈsemɪneri]


名词复数: seminaries

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  • 神学院
  • 温床
  • 学校
  • 发源地
  • 高等中学
  • 女子中学
  • 养成所
  • 修道院
  • 苗床
  • 学院
  • 中等学校(尤指私立寄宿制女子学校或学院)
  • 神学院学生


1. a private place of education for the young

2. a theological school for training ministers or priests or rabbis

1. 神学院
A seminary is a college where priests, ministers, or rabbis are trained.

1. 神学院:例如,学院(college)只有两个音节,神学院(seminary)也只有四个音节. 可是大学(univereity)有五个音节,再加上以示区别的名字,就有了下面的:由于形迹可疑的低等大学正在不断增加,这使得少数顶尖学校作为学术机构的等级标准更显必要和有价值.

2. 高等中学,神学院/校:6. bend one's effort 竭尽全力 | 7. seminary 高等中学,神学院/校 | 8. surmise 猜度,臆测

3. 私立女子中学:私立中等学校private secondary school | 私立女子中学seminary | 私立预备学校private preparatory school

  • 经典引文

  • The Council chamber at Edinburgh had been..a seminary of all public and private vices.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
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"If you want to have a well-attended lecture," says Rabbi, a visiting professor at Manhattan's Union Theological Seminary, "discuss God and faith."(迈哈顿大学神学院的客座教授,犹太学者,AbrahamHeschel说:“如果你想让自己的演讲场场爆满的话,最好的办法就是讨论上帝和信仰。”)
Since R. Albert Mohler became the President of Southern Seminary, there has been a revival of the Calvinism of the Abstract of Principles.(自从莫勒(r.AlbertMohler)成为美南浸信会神学院的院长之后,当中就出现了一场依据1858年抽象原则的加尔文主义的复兴。)
Unlike his back-slapping father, he still bore traces of the Jesuit seminary where he had once studied to become a priest.(和他称兄道弟的父亲不同,他依然遵循Jesuit神学院得轨迹,他曾在该神学院学习准备去做神父。)
Washington University in Saint Louis was named Eliot Seminary when it opened in eighteen fifty-three.(位于圣路易斯的华盛顿大学在1853年成立时被命名为艾略特学院。)
The seminary is of enormous symbolic importance. It is the ideological cradle of Israel's settler movement and has provided many of its leading figures.(该遇袭的学院不仅是以色列定居者运动理念的源头,更为此运动输出了众多领袖人物,因而具有非常重要的象征意义。)
The homes belong to the families of a man who gunned down eight Jewish seminary students in March and the man who killed three Israelis on Wednesday with a bulldozer in the heart of Jerusalem.(其中一人今年三月开枪射杀八名犹太神学院学生,另一人上个星期三在耶路撒冷市中心用推土机轧死了三名以色列人。)
The Merkaz Harav seminary is closely linked with the Jewish settler movement in the West Bank, and many settler leaders have studied there.(莫卡兹·哈拉维神学院和犹太人在约旦河西岸的定居点有密切的关系,很多定居者的领导人都在那里学习过。)
The economics department seemed akin to the modern equivalent of a seminary: not only did it write the creed-shaping western thinking, but it produced the priesthood too.(经济学系似乎类似于现代的神学院:不光书写了塑造信仰的西方思维,而且还“生产”神父。)
Each of these conditions was also split into two: half about to deliver a talk on the Good Samaritan, the other half on job prospects for seminary graduates.(每一个实验条件又被分成两组:一半受试者作“慈善的萨玛利亚人”的演讲,另一半作毕业生工作前景的演讲。)
Eventually the church's pastor, Timothy Shoup, sent images of it to researchers at Concordia Seminary Library in St. Louis, who have now identified it.(教堂的牧师蒂莫西·苏泊把这本书的图像发给圣·路易士的肯考迪亚神学院图书馆的研究人员,他们现已确认了这本书的来历。)
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