英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:57:38



英 [ˈsetlə(r)]

美 [ˈsɛtlɚ]



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1. a person who settles in a new colony or moves into new country

Synonym: colonist

2. a clerk in a betting shop who calculates the winnings

3. a negotiator who settles disputes

1. 殖民者;移民
Settlers are people who go to live in a new country.

e.g. The village was founded by settlers from the Volga region.

1. settler的翻译

1. 定居者:文中将音译的hakka,取代意译的定居者(settler),作为一个有着特殊语言的群体的称呼. 随后,礼贤传道会(Rhenish Missionary Society)的高怀义牧师(Rev.Rudolph Krone),于1859年在旧的皇家亚洲学会中国分会所办的刊物Transactions上,

2. 拓荒者:条顿嘅Clubswinger和罗马嘅Legionnaire净系要生产2个,就可以安全咁返到本身嘅村落;而高卢嘅Phalanx就需要13个,先可以安全咁返到本身嘅村落. 另外,唔同嘅兵种有唔同嘅负载量. 在Lv.10和Lv.20时,分别可以生产3个拓荒者(Settler)或1个酋长(Chief)

3. settler的解释

3. 開拓者:如果那村庄没有足够粮食, 士兵是会自然地饿死的.在 level 10, (15计划中)及 20, 你可以训练 3 个开拓者(settler)或 1 个行政官员(参议员senator, 司令官cheif, 族长chieftain).在 level 10, 20, 你可以训练 3 个开拓者(settler)或 1 个行政官员(参议员senator,

4. 沉淀器:软化装置 softener | 沉淀器 settler | 沉淀池 clarifier

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

They frequently launch rocket and other attacks on the settler communities that they see as being so symbolic of the Israeli presence.(后者多次向定居者社区发射火箭和其它攻击物,因为他们视其为以色列存在的象征。)
Before his release, Arthur became the first white settler known to have crossed through the Cumberland Gap using part of what would become the Wilderness Road.(在被释放之前,阿瑟成了第一个已知的穿越坎伯兰岬口的白人定居者,他走过了荒野之路的部分路段。)
Our experimental results prove that the new mixer-settler is a higher performance extraction equipment.(因此,膜分散式混合澄清器是一种高性能的萃取分离设备。)
I was a guide, a pathfinder, an original settler.(我已然是一个引路人、开拓者、定居先驱。)
Before he was a year old, the infant Albert lost his father, an early settler in French Algeria, in the battle of the Marne.(加缪的父亲是法属阿尔及利亚的侨民,加缪还不满一岁时,父亲就在马恩战役中阵亡。)
Guerrero was the first Mexican settler and his children were the first mixed-race Mexicans.(格雷罗是墨西哥的第一个殖民者,他的子女则是墨西哥第一代混血人种。)
"What Arab East Jerusalem?" asks a settler in an Arab area.(什么阿拉伯人的东耶路撒冷?)
Game, Settler, Match Win a regular game at Settler difficulty or harder.(比赛,开拓,结束!在一场难度为“开拓级”或更高的常规游戏中获胜。)
And the design of inclined plate gravity settler is given.(介绍了斜板重力分离器的设计方法。)
Israeli police have arrested a Jewish settler whom they say has confessed to a string of high-profile hate attacks.(以色列警方逮捕了一名犹太移居者嫌疑犯,据悉该疑犯承认与一系列仇恨袭击有关。)
settler是什么意思 settler在线翻译 settler什么意思 settler的意思 settler的翻译 settler的解释 settler的发音 settler的同义词