英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 17:22:02



英 [ˌsevn'ti:nθ]

美 [ˌsɛvənˈtinθ]


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1. position 17 in a countable series of things


1. coming next after the sixteenth in position

Synonym: 17th

1. 第十七
The seventeenth item in a series is the one that you count as number seventeen.

e.g. She gave birth to Annabel just after her seventeenth birthday.
她 17 岁生日刚过便生下了安娜贝尔。

2. 十七分之一
A seventeenth is one of seventeen equal parts of something.

1. 第十七:sixteenth第十六 | seventeenth第十七 | eighteenth第十八

2. 第十七的:seventeen 十七 | seventeenth 第十七的 | seventh 第七 的

3. 第十七;十七日:七点系泊系统 seven-point mooring system | 第十七;十七日 seventeenth | 七轨磁带 seven-track tape

4. 第十七,第十七个:sixteenth 第十六,第十六个 | seventeenth第十七,第十七个 | eighteenth第十八,第十八个

  • 经典引文

  • On the seventeenth green at St. Andrews.

    出自:J. L. Low
Galileo is the only contemporary personage, the only seventeenth-century figure, even so much as mentioned in Paradise Lost.(伽利略是唯一的当代人物,唯一的17世纪人物,甚至在《失乐园》里也有提及。)
The 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens is Monaco's seventeenth participation at the Summer Olympics.(2004年雅典夏季奥运会是摩纳哥第17次参加奥运会。)
So that was very tall in the seventeenth century.(这在17世纪算很高了。)
In the UK, too, religion seems to be generating an animosity not seen since the seventeenth century.(在英国也是同样,似乎自从十七世纪之后,信仰就不再产生憎恨和仇视了一般。)
Nori has been cultivated in sheltered, shallow offshore waters of Japan since the seventeenth century.(“紫菜(nori)”一字指的是紫菜类(紫菜属藻类的食用物种)以及从切丝海藻制成的薄的脆片。自17世纪以来,紫菜一直在日本近海海域浅大陆架栽植。)
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, people became interested in the classics.(到了第16和17世纪,人们对古典作品感兴趣。)
And this is a huge problem in the seventeenth century.(这在17世纪是个大问题。)
As the seventeenth century elapsed, two distinct types of agricultural operations developed there.(随着十七世纪的结束,两种明显的农业劳作在那里形成。)
The strings are now metallic, but in the sixteenth, seventeenth to eighteenth century, they would have been made out of cat or sheep gut.(弦现在是金属的,但在十六、十七、到十八世纪,它们是用猫肠或羊肠制作的。)
Agriculture and fishing formed the primary sector of the economy in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century.(农业和渔业是17世纪荷兰经济的主要部分。)
seventeenth是什么意思 seventeenth在线翻译 seventeenth什么意思 seventeenth的意思 seventeenth的翻译 seventeenth的解释 seventeenth的发音 seventeenth的同义词