英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:03:43



英 [ʃɔ:(r)]

美 [ʃɔr, ʃor]


过去式: shored 过去分词: shored 现在分词: shoring 第三人称单数: shores

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  • 岸,滨,海岸
  • 支柱,撑柱,斜撑柱
  • 国家
  • 陆(地)
  • 【律】涨潮线与退潮线中间的土地
  • 本土
  • 支持,支撑
  • 用支柱撑住,用撑柱支撑
  • (使)稳住,顶住
  • [C] [U] 岸,滨 land along the edge of the shore or of any large body of water
  • vt. 支撑; 支持 support


1. a beam or timber that is propped against a structure to provide support

Synonym: shoring

2. the land along the edge of a body of water


1. support by placing against something solid or rigid

e.g. shore and buttress an old building

Synonym: prop uppropshore up

2. arrive on shore

e.g. The ship landed in Pearl Harbor

Synonym: landset ashore

3. serve as a shore to

e.g. The river was shored by trees

1. 海岸;河岸;湖滨
The shores or the shore of a sea, lake, or wide river is the land along the edge of it. Someone who is on shore is on the land rather than on a ship.

e.g. They walked down to the shore.
e.g. ...elephants living on the shores of Lake Kariba...

2. (国家或大洲的)区域,境内
When someone or something reaches the shores of a country or continent, they arrive in that country or continent.

e.g. It is feared that a similar epidemic will soon reach the shores of Europe...
e.g. This youngster is another destined to leave these shores.

You can use shore, coast, and beach to talk about the piece of land beside a stretch of water. The shore is the area of land along the edge of the sea, a lake, or a wide river. The coast is the area of land that lies alongside the sea. You may be referring just to the land close to the sea, or to a wider area that extends further inland. A beach is a flat area of sand or pebbles next to the sea.
shore,coast 和 beach 都可以用来指大片水域的岸边陆地。shore 指海洋、湖泊或宽广的河流岸边陆地。coast 是沿海陆地区哉,既可以指紧靠海边的区域,也可以泛指沿海地区。beach 指海边的沙滩或碎石滩。

相关词组:shore up

1. shore在线翻译

1. 海岸:大海是每个孩子都向往的地方,如果带着孩子到海边旅行,踩着软绵绵的沙滩,看着一望无际的海岸(shore),恰巧捡到一只海螺(shell),把它放到孩子的耳旁(ear),孩子就能听到甜美(sweet)清亮(clear)的海洋之声(a sea song).

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    在陆地上; 上岸,登陆 on land; away from one's ship
    在岸边 on the land along the edge of a large stretch of water
  • Gradually the shore retired from view.
  • Let's go for a walk along the shore.
  • We spent all our weekends at the shore.
  • The sea has eaten into the north shore.
  • It was wonderful to see the shores of England again after so long at sea.
  • Row the boat to the shore.
  • They left the shores of Spain.
  • Many of these birds migrate to our shores during the summer.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
  • The..Black Sea and its steep forested shores.

    出自:R. Macaulay
  • The man..brought Balanchine to our shores.

  • The tide of pomp That beats upon the high shore of this world.

    出自:Henry V,Shakespeare
  • Shoring up the..cliff in front of our cottage.

    出自:P. Sayer
  • Stockman offered advice to shore up her confidence.

  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 常见错误

  • 词源解说

  • shore的基本意思是“岸,滨”,指海或湖等大水域边缘的陆地,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。
  • shore含有“水域尽头”“陆地”的意味,故引申可指“国土”,这时多用复数形式。
  • shore用作动词的意思是“支撑”,指用支柱支撑不稳固或有危险坠落的事物以防其倒塌或坠落。引申可作“支持”解。
  • shore是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,常与副词up连用。
shore, bank, beach, coast
  • 这四个词的共同意思是“岸”。其区别是:
  • 1.coast指的是陆地和海交界的一条狭长的海岸,通常和地理位置、天气、海防等密切联系在一起。例如:
  • There are many islands off the England coast.英国海岸有很多岛屿。
  • shore含义较广,一般指陆地和较大水域的交界地带,是和水相对而言的。例如:
  • They have a beautiful house on the shore of the lake.他们在这个湖畔有一所美丽的房子。
  • bank一般指的是河岸,有较大的坡度,含有“堤”的意思。例如:
  • We stand on the river bank to fish.我们站在河岸上钓鱼。
  • beach一般只是shore或coast的一部分,是被海(湖或河)水冲刷而有沙或卵石积存的地方,可作“沙滩”解。例如:
  • They spent their holiday at a pleasure beach in Hawaii.他们在夏威夷美丽的海滩上度过了假日。
  • 2.beach和shore都可以表示“海滨胜地”,但shore指近海的地方, beach则指那些有海滨浴场或可进行阳光浴的海滩,且beach也可用来指河岸,但坡度较缓,一般涨潮时有水,退潮时无水,而且通常指沙滩,而不是泥岸。例如:
  • I spent the summer at the shore but I only spent a part of each day at the beach.我这一夏天都是在海滩上度过的,可在海滨浴场中却只花了一部分时间。
  • A beach was formed along the wide bend of the river.在宽阔的河曲处形成了一条河岸。
  • n.(名词)

      I like lying on the shore looking at people.

      I like lying on the beach looking at people.


    • ☆ 直接源自古英语的schor,意为海岸。
    We tugged the boat in to shore.(我们把船拉到岸边。)
    He found them on the shore.(他在海滨找到了他们。)
    He swam to the shore against a strong current.(他逆着急流游向岸边。)
    The sea washed against the shore.(海水冲刷着海岸。)
    A whale was found washed up on the shore.(一头鲸被发现冲到了岸上。)
    We'll wait for you when we get to shore.(我们到岸边去等你。)
    Pinocchio went on swimming close to shore.(皮诺乔继续向岸边游去。)
    He rowed as quickly as he could to the shore.(他尽可能快速地将船划向了岸边。)
    Where is that blessed shore?(那该死的海岸在哪儿呢?)
    Their ship is bearing down on the shore.(他们的船正向河岸疾驶。)
    shore是什么意思 shore在线翻译 shore什么意思 shore的意思 shore的翻译 shore的解释 shore的发音 shore的同义词