英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:04:15


英 ['ʃɔ:tɪst]

美 ['ʃɔ:tɪst]



  • 网络解释

1. 最短线:shortest 最短线 | shortest confidence interval 最短置信区间 | shortest distance 最短距离

2. 最短的:shorter axis 短轴 | shortest 最短的 | shortest distance 最短矩

3. 短的:shorterizing /火焰表面硬化处理/ | shortest /短的/ | shortfall /不足/不足量/

4. 最短:Pessimistic 悲观 | Shortest 最短 | Nearest 最近

It was the shortest Milan Derby ever completed.(这是有史以来最短的一场米兰德比。)
This is the shortest and yet the most important section in this article.(这一小节是本文中最短但却是最重要的部分。)
Supplying power to trains in this way would offer the shortest distance from well to wheels he says with the least amount of energy lost.(他说,以这种方式为火车提供电力将使从井口到车轮的距离最短,而损失的能源也最少。)
He is the shortest man on the team, but he is the fastest.(他是队里最矮的队员,可他速度最快。)
This is the shortest way.(这条路最短。)
That will make you fly home again in the shortest time!(那将使你在最短的时间内飞回家!)
Strive for the shortest iteration length possible for your environment.(争取使用对于您的环境的最短的迭代长度。)
Just remember that violet light is the end that actually has the shortest wavelength, which means that it also has, of course, the highest frequency.(只要记住,紫色光在末端,实际上,它有最短的波长,意味着它当然也有最高的频率。)
Canada's mobile phone numbers are perhaps the world's shortest: they use seven digits.(加拿大的手机号码可能是世界上最短的:使用7位数字。)
Lazy operations find the shortest match, then stop.(懒惰操作将查找最短的匹配,然后就停止。)
shortest是什么意思 shortest在线翻译 shortest什么意思 shortest的意思 shortest的翻译 shortest的解释 shortest的发音 shortest的同义词