英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 21:44:05


英 ['saɪdweɪ]

美 ['saɪdˌweɪ]



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1. toward one side

e.g. the car slipped sideways into the ditch
leaning sideways
a figure moving sidewise in the shadows

Synonym: sidewayssidewise

2. from the side

e.g. a picture lit sideways
scenes viewed sidewise

Synonym: sidewayssidewise

3. with one side forward or to the front

e.g. turned sideways to show the profile
crabs seeming to walk sidewise

Synonym: sidewayssidewise

1. 酒佬日記:每年的圣诞节,在高涨的气氛下,又岂少得一瓶美酒佳酿?酒醉令人轻狂,容易出轨闯祸,大家都明白醉酒驾驶或闹事累己累人,但如小品电影<>(Sideway)的双傻历险记则煞是有趣,以酒论人生更看得人会 ...

2. sideway的翻译

2. 小路, 小巷,人行道:phanerites 显晶岩 | sideway 小路, 小巷,人行道 | nickel austenite 含镍奥氏体


3. 横向盘整:range 区间,有上下极限值取限的区间,通常用于箱体描述 | sideway 横向盘整 | sharp correction 快速调整

4. 小路:sidewards 横着 | sideway 小路 | sideways 向一旁

This sculpture depicts a person in deep contemplation. One leg is folded sideway behind another straight one. The hands embrace the body.(它的造型是一个佛陀底头沈思,双脚一只是垂直,一只屈曲于后,双手环抱正在沈思。)
Their twigs, also like things artificially shaped, all reach out towards the sky and grow close together in a cluster without any sideway growth.(它所有的丫枝呢,一律向上,而且紧紧靠拢,也像是加过人工似的,成为一束,绝无横斜逸出;)
From a logical perspective, the sideway approach allows you to start by adding a subgoal to the logical Web services at the sideway of either the top-down or bottom-up approach.(从逻辑的角度来说,旁路方法使您能够从在自顶向下或自底向上方法的旁路添加逻辑Web服务的子目标开始。)
Base on the calculation of an example, suggestions on range of sideway ratio of stories up and down in transfer story of frame-core tube structure with column supporting transfer beam is obtained.(通过实例计算分析,给出了带托柱式转换梁的框架-核心筒结构的转换层上、下层间侧移角比的取值范围建议。)
The assistance before scoring is mainly short pass and corner arc and right sideway long pass fall behind.(射门前协助方式中,主要是以短传为主,其次是角球、右路斜长传;)
From a physical perspective, the sideway approach (shown in Figure 3) allows you to add or delete Web service components sideway to the top-down or bottom-up approach.(从物理的角度来说,旁路方法(如图3所示)允许您在自顶向下或自底向上方法的旁路添加或删除Web服务组件。)
The key design concept of the space is that the suspended rooms are connected with suspended Bridges and sideway aisles.(这个空间设计的关键概念是这些悬挂着的房间是用悬挂着的桥和边侧的走廊连接起来的。)
When we walk in the street, we should walk in the sideway.(我们在街上行走时,也要走在人行道上。)
Don't elbow me off the sideway.(别把我挤出人行道外。)
An afternoon of a winter, I walked on the sideway of the street. The wind was mild and cold. The light of the sun sprinkled on the route, bring little warm on people.(一个风和日丽的冬天的下午,在铺有粉色和白色相间格子的人行道上,空气微微清冷,午后的太阳光洒在路上,带来了一些冬日里的暖意。)
sideway是什么意思 sideway在线翻译 sideway什么意思 sideway的意思 sideway的翻译 sideway的解释 sideway的发音 sideway的同义词