英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:15:11



英 [sledʒ]

美 [slɛdʒ]



过去式: sledged 过去分词: sledged 现在分词: sledging 第三人称单数: sledges

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  • 雪橇
  • 大锤
  • 雪车
  • 席橇
  • 滑车
  • 用大锤敲打
  • 用雪橇运送
  • 猛击
  • 用大锤打
  • 坐雪橇走
  • 乘雪橇
  • 坐雪橇


1. a heavy long-handled hammer used to drive stakes or wedges

Synonym: maulsledgehammer

2. a vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by horses or dogs
for transportation over snow

Synonym: sledsleigh


1. beat with a sledgehammer

Synonym: sledgehammer

2. ride in or travel with a sledge

e.g. the antarctic expedition sledged along the coastline
The children sledged all day by the lake

3. transport in a sleigh

1. 雪橇
A sledge is an object used for travelling over snow. It consists of a framework which slides on two strips of wood or metal.

e.g. She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka.
她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛,行程共 1.4 万英里。

2. 滑雪橇
If you sledge or go sledging, you ride on a sledge.


e.g. Our hill is marvellous for sledging and we always have snow in January.

1. sledge的解释

1. 雪橇:国王的木乃伊被用一个雪橇(sledge)运送到他的墓地,两个维西尔(visiers)和一个内务总管(General Hoermheb)也在送葬的队伍中. 这样描绘的送葬场面对于当时的普通人来讲是很普遍的,但是对于一个国王来说,这是不符合王室风格的.

2. 斯莱奇:美国医学网站Medscape专家顾问、印第安纳大学癌症中心的斯莱奇(Sledge)指出,这个结果并不令人感到特别意外,因为贝伐单抗毕竟是作用于血管的药物. 但是,该结果仍然具有重大的临床意义,尤其是在癌症患者本身已经是VTE高危人群的前提下.

3. 橇:采出石坯后在陆上又得用爬犁-陆橇(sledge)和滚杠-滚柱(roller)将其运到建筑工地[46]. 当时还无车辆,前15世纪时车辆才传入[47]. 在水上则用船筏运输. 金字塔工程的艰巨浩大由此又可见一斑. 自然,金字塔也有大中小之分,

4. <雪撬>:06 Leroy Andeson安德森 | Sledge<> | 07 Leroy Andeson安德森

Trekking through the snow with a sledge.(拖着雪橇在雪地里跋涉。)
Trekking through the snow pulling a sledge.(拖着雪橇在雪地里跋涉的人。)
Do not forget my sledge!(别忘了我的雪橇!)
What requires explanation is not why this sledge keeps going, what requires explanation why it stops?(需要解释的不是为什么雪橇继续前进,而是它为什么会停下来?)
I heaved again at my sledge, my strength boosted by visions of a cold, lonely death.(我再次去推动的雪橇,想到自己会在寒冷中孤独地死去,我力气倍增。)
A tablet engraved about 3000 B.C.E. provides the earliest known example from Sumer, a roofed boxlike sledge mounted on four solid wheels.(来自公元前3000年左右的一块苏美尔的雕刻陶土板提供了已知最早的例证:一个带顶棚的箱状雪橇被安装在四个实心的轮子上。)
While he was still chewing away the first dwarf came back and announced that the sledge was ready.(他还在那儿咬啊嚼啊,第一个小矮人已回来报告雪橇准备好了。)
"No, that was certainly his sledge," said Gerda; "for when he went away he took his sledge with him."(“不,那一定是他的雪橇!”格尔达说;“因为当他离开的时候带着他的雪橇。”)
Well, a sledge sliding on flat ice.(我们再来看下雪橇在光滑冰面上滑行的例子。)
He takes the sledge hammer and smashes it repeatedly into the hollow spot.(他拿起铁锤不断地砸向那块空心的地板。)
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