英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:17:19



英 [slaʊtʃ]

美 [slaʊtʃ]



形容词: slouchy 副词: slouchily 名词: slouchiness 过去式: slouched 过去分词: slouched 现在分词: slouching 第三人称单数: slouches

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1. a stooping carriage in standing and walking

2. an incompetent person
usually used in negative constructions

e.g. he's no slouch when it comes to baseball


1. walk slovenly

2. assume a drooping posture or carriage

Synonym: slump

1. 无精打采地坐着(或站着)
If someone slouches, they sit or stand with their shoulders and head bent so they look lazy and unattractive.

e.g. Try not to slouch when you are sitting down...
e.g. She has recently begun to slouch over her typewriter.

The men were slouched on sofas and chairs...
She had been slouched against the counter.

2. 无精打采地走;懒洋洋地走
If someone slouches somewhere, they walk around slowly with their shoulders and head bent looking lazy or bored.

e.g. Most of the time, they slouch around in the fields...
e.g. Scowling, the lad slouched over.

3. 擅长;愿意卖力工作;手脚勤快麻利
If you say that someone is no slouch at a particular activity, you mean that they are skilful at it or are willing to work hard at it.

e.g. The Welsh are no slouches at cooking.

1. 懒散:sloth懒惰n | slouch懒散v | sloven不修边幅的人

2. 向前弯腰:slotter /铣槽机/立刨床/铡床/插床/ | slouch /向前弯腰/ | slouching /没精打采的/懒散的/

3. 没精打采地站/坐:anecdote -奇闻轶事 | slouch -没精打采地站/坐 | leaning -萎靡不振

4. 笨拙的人,无精打采的人,无能者:eunuch太监,阉人 | slouch笨拙的人,无精打采的人,无能者 | grouch爱发牢骚的人,脾气坏的人

  • 经典引文

  • Orbison was no slouch as a guitarist.

    出自:Guitar Player
  • She..slouched wearily up the stairs.

    出自:B. Rubens
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Take a comfortable position: shoulders straighten, do not slouch.(采取一个舒适的位置:肩部挺起,不要没精打采的。)
She has recently begun to slouch over her typewriter.(最近,她坐在打字机前就开始变得无精打采的。。)
Most of the time, they slouch around in the fields.(他们绝大多数时间都无精打采地走在田间。)
He told the children to sit up and not slouch.(他告诉孩子们坐直,别没精打采的。)
Well, you would be a nice old slouch of a hermit.(好吧,那你就是个懒懒散散的隐士了。)
Your father was a handsome devil. But you're no slouch yourself.(你父亲是一个俊美的恶魔,不过你也不赖。)
No slouch himself, Owen compared it to a Rolls-Royce gliding by in the outside lane.(并不是说他懒惰,欧文把他比做是在外道缓缓行驶的劳斯莱斯。)
The first thing i do after work is " Ge You slouch".(举例:每次下班回家,第一件事情就是葛优躺。)
If you slouch forward when you run, you may be pulling too hard on your calf muscles.(如果跑的时候向前弯腰,那你的腓肠肌会拉伸过量。)
Don't slouch or twirl your hair once you're there. If you do, you may be done for.(你千万不要显得无精打采或是用手指卷头发,否则的话,你的面试可能就完蛋了。)
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