英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:19:28


英 [ˈsmʌglə(r)]

美 [ˈsmʌɡ(ə)lər]


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1. someone who imports or exports without paying duties

Synonym: runnercontrabandistmoon cursermoon-curser

1. 走私分子;走私犯
Smugglers are people who take goods into or out of a country illegally.

e.g. ...drug smugglers.

1. 走私者:海岸警卫队由三个地区司令部组成:西部司令部、东部司令部、南部司令部. 每个地区司令部都由一个总部和几个管区分部组成. 海岸警卫队的总部设在新德里. 20 20 **-43 走私者(Smuggler)级(挪威)


2. 走私船:任何敌船在相同环境下都会比你快上一两节,特别是那些走私船(smuggler)逆风行使速度高得吓人. 首先你要保证至少有超过上限人数一半多的水手,...

3. smuggler

3. 偷渡者:493. 偷渡 stowaway | 494. 偷渡者 smuggler | 495. 海滩 perils on the sea


4. 制造私酒者:smugglecontraband 走私 | smuggler 制造私酒者 | smuggler 走私船

Fett stayed at Jabba's palace, and was present when Solo's friends attempted to rescue the carbon-frozen smuggler.(费特留在了贾巴的宫殿里,当索洛的朋友们赶来搭救他时,这个赏金猎人又一次出场。)
The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.(私运者对在拖船中拥抱臭虫的号手耸耸肩。)
Rifle-thieves scoured all India to reinforce the efforts of the honest smuggler.(窃枪贼搜遍了整个印度,以增援纯走私者的行动。)
He is the first suspected top smuggler to be arrested in Africa and detained in Italy which, like Greece, has been overwhelmed by an influx of hundreds of thousands of migrants since 2008.(密尔德是第一位在非洲被捕,后在意大利拘押的涉嫌蛇头。同希腊一样,意大利2008年以来一直受成千上万移民潮的困扰。)
One international currency smuggler who was having trouble getting money out of Britain was offered help by a group of men who said they were in a position to "fix thing"— for a fee of course.(一个国际货币走私犯很难从英国弄到钱,得到一群人的帮助,他们说他们可以“解决问题”——当然要收费。)
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