英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 22:01:36


英 [ˈsɒftbɔ:l]

美 [ˈsɔ:ftbɔ:l]


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  • 垒球
  • 垒球运动
  • 【体】软式棒球
  • 垒球的一种
  • 每次比赛七回合
  • 垒球用球


1. a game closely resembling baseball that is played on a smaller diamond and with a ball that is larger and softer

Synonym: softball game

2. ball used in playing softball

Synonym: playground ball

1. 垒球运动
Softball is a game similar to baseball, but played with a larger, softer ball.


2. 垒球
A softball is the ball used in the game of softball.

1. 垒球:P.S 垒球(softball)从棒球(baseball) 发展而来,棒球用的球要比垒球的小且硬,球速更快;垒球场地比棒球场地小;棒球投手距打手远. 垒球投球只能低手(underhand),棒球则随便. 棒球可偷垒. 垒球在投前在垒上的队员必须踩垒,不能起跑偷垒.


2. 二十一、垒球:(15)女子飞碟双向Women's Skeet | 二十一、垒球Softball | (1)女子Women

3. softball

3. 垒球(运动):棒球运动 baseball | 垒球运动 softball | 快投垒球运动 fast pitch softball

What are the differences between softball and baseball?(垒球与棒球有什么区别?)
I play in the city softball league.(我参加了垒球联赛。)
Then it's a softball game.(接下来是垒球比赛。)
"Coach Carver is basketball," Patty said. "Coach Nagel is softball."(“卡佛教练是篮球教练,”帕蒂说:“内格尔教练是垒球教练。”)
The Amateur Softball Association's roster of umpires has declined to 57,000.(业余垒球协会的裁判员名单上的人数减少到了5.7万人。)
She also coached women’s volleyball and softball.(她还是女子排球和女子垒球的教练员。)
Jenny Allard is the head coach of the Harvard University softball team.(JennyAllard是哈佛大学垒球队的主教练。)
Suppose I have here this softball in my hands.(我手上有一个球。)
“Softball, ” Patty said. “It’s softball season now.”(“垒球,”帕蒂说:“现在是垒球赛季。”)
My face got hot and my throat felt like it had a softball stuck in.(我的脸变得很热,喉咙就像被垒球卡住了一样。)
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