英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:23:39



英 [ˈsəʊldə(r)]

美 [ˈsɑ:dər]



名词: solderer 过去式: soldered 过去分词: soldered 现在分词: soldering 第三人称单数: solders

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1. an alloy (usually of lead and tin) used when melted to join two metal surfaces


1. join or fuse with solder

e.g. solder these two pipes together

1. 焊;焊接;焊合
If you solder two pieces of metal together, you join them by melting a small piece of soft metal and putting it between them so that it holds them together after it has cooled.

e.g. Fewer workers are needed to solder circuit boards...
e.g. He then soldered the wire to the telephone terminal...

2. 焊料;焊锡
Solder is the soft metal used for soldering.

1. solder在线翻译

1. 焊料:无锡长毅电子有限公司是专业销售半导体元器件测试所用金手指(俗称测子,测试爪)和半导体封装所使用焊料(solder)的销售商.公司与有二十多年设计,生产经验的厂家携手合作.产品有着质量稳定,使用效果好等特点.远销国内外.


2. 焊接:热管有着优秀的热传导能力,能将处理器的热量很快的转移走,但要依靠热管那小小的散热面积将热量转到空气中是不可能,必须借助更多的散热鳍片. 因此热管与鳍片如何完美结合,是非常关键的. 目前主要有两种方式,焊接(Solder)和穿fin(Fin penetration ).

3. 焊剂:1.对于工艺流程中的每一项工艺,应确定可能发生的失效模式,如就表面贴装工艺(SMT)而言,涉及的问题可能包括,基于工程经验的焊球控制、焊膏控制、使用的阻焊剂(solder

  • 经典引文

  • The sad Varennes business has been soldered up.

  • Walking by / With frozen fingers soldered to her basket.

    出自:E. Muir
Before you solder, make sure that the pipes fit together properly.(焊接之前,要确认管子是否般配。)
As a reward for hais bravery, the solder was given a gold medal.(为了表彰他的勇敢,这个士兵被授予一块金牌。)
Carefully solder 2 new thin, flexible, insulated wires in place.(小心的将两条细、易弯曲并且绝缘的新导线焊接到位。)
Each sculptural planter is made-to-order with handmade glass and lead-free solder and comes with everything you need but the plants.(每个艺术花盆都是定制的。它们由手工制作的玻璃和无铅焊料接合而成,交付使用时,万事俱备,只欠花卉。)
At this stage, it's easy to remake a solder connection if there is a problem.(在这一阶段,如果存在问题,可以很容易地改造焊接的连接点。)
Solder the power wires, positive and negative battery contacts.(焊锡线的力量,积极和消极的电池接触。)
Process modifications such as solder pot finishes for wave soldering equipment to avoid leaching issues are now available.(为避免出现浸析问题,诸如波焊设备焊锡槽终饰工艺的修改目前已经完成。)
The text on the two solder mask layer is same, we will cancel the text that on this solder mask layer, please refer to Q9.(此层上的字符与另一层绿油上的字元相同,请确认是否可以取消此层上的该字符。请看Q9处。)
Will the sample needs of solder part in flux in 5 to 10 seconds.(将样品需要焊锡的部分浸入助焊剂中5到10秒。)
Equipment specifically designed for use with solder paste.(于专为锡膏设计的设备中使用。)
solder是什么意思 solder在线翻译 solder什么意思 solder的意思 solder的翻译 solder的解释 solder的发音 solder的同义词