英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:23:53



英 [səˈlemnəti]

美 [səˈlɛmnɪti]


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名词复数: solemnities

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 严肃
  • 庄重
  • 庄严
  • 仪式
  • 庄重的仪式
  • 郑重
  • 礼仪
  • 正经
  • 【律】必要形式
  • 一本正经
  • 隆重
  • 装腔作势
  • 【律】正式
  • 道貌岸然
  • 庄严的举止
  • 典礼
  • 使文件、契约等生效而必须办的手续


1. a trait of dignified seriousness

Synonym: sedatenessstaidnesssolemness

2. a solemn and dignified feeling

Synonym: gravity


1. 严肃:solemn 严肃的 | solemnity 严肃 | solicit 律师


2. 洗礼:from Jolly Kunjappu | 07 Solemnity 洗礼 | from Potsch Potschka

3. solemnity的意思

3. 庄严/严肃/一本正经/仪式/祭典:solemnise /隆重地庆祝/使显庄严/ | solemnity /庄严/严肃/一本正经/仪式/祭典/ | solemnization /隆重的庆祝/举行仪式/庄严化/

4. 要式:solemarking 底面印痕作用 | solemnity 要式 | solemnmode 郑重方式

  • 经典引文

  • Hymns..Sung by their Composers at their festal Solemnities.

    出自:J. Brown
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The judge took up the gavel with solemnity.(法官严肃地拿起了小木槌。)
"I will cry! "He says in a solemnity.(“你不给我我就哭!”他一本正经的说。)
Taken together, Han is telling his readers that solemnity and seniority are not to be trusted.(总而言之,韩寒在告诉他的读者,庄严之物和年资都不足凭信。)
What dares the slave come hither, cover'd with an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our solemnity?(这不知死活的奴才,竟敢套着一个鬼脸,到这儿来嘲笑我们的盛会吗?)
Roman architecture features its solemnity and grandeur.(罗马式建筑庄严隆重和雄壮。)
They had one great solemnity, that of the Bema , the anniversary of Mani's death.(他们有一个伟大的严肃性,即贝马,纪念摩尼的死亡。)
The many festivals and sacrificial rites unfailingly impress visitors with their hilarity or solemnity, as the case may be.(许多节日和祭祀仪式都始终给旅游者留下了喜庆或庄严的深刻印象。)
Gravity is the word---not solemnity as towards evening, nor menace as at night.(凝重,乃是最贴切的字眼——不是时近黄昏的阴沉,亦非黑夜之中的森然。)
The falling snow-flakes, sprinkling the pinions, gave it a special kind of solemnity.(纷纷扬扬的雪花洒落在矮松上,更给它添了一种特殊的庄严肃穆的气氛。)
My style of easy banter at first drove him up the wall; it was clearly in consistent with his image of the solemnity of the occasion.(我喜欢开玩笑的轻松风格最初弄得他十分狼狈,这显然是同他心目中的这类场合的严肃空气格格不入的。)
solemnity是什么意思 solemnity在线翻译 solemnity什么意思 solemnity的意思 solemnity的翻译 solemnity的解释 solemnity的发音 solemnity的同义词