The third set of options is all about Banks' solvency.(第三套选项完全关乎银行的偿付能力。)
Investors were notably worried about Greece's solvency.(当时投资者对希腊的偿债能力非常担心。)
He issued detailed proposals for private accounts while eschewing, until much later, solvency proposals.(他在公布私人账户具体方案的同时,同时在很长时间内对关于其偿付能力的规划避而不谈。)
Banking regulation may need to put as much emphasis on Banks' liquidity as their solvency.(在银行监管中,充足性应该被置于和流动性同样重要的位置。)
The commission would guarantee Greece's debt and rule the country until it regained solvency.(这个委员会将为希腊的债务作担保,并治理这个国家,直到其重新恢复偿付能力。)
The first was about the solvency of banks; this one is about the solvency of sovereign countries.(第一波金融危机涉及到银行的偿付能力,而此次危机关系到主权国家的偿付能力。)
Falling house prices threaten the solvency of plenty of prime borrowers too.(下降的房产价格同样威胁到了一级市场借方的偿还能力。)
Regrettably, the Tokugawa shoguns' search for solvency for the government made it increasingly difficult for individual Japanese who lived on fixed stipends to make ends meet.(令人遗憾的是,德川幕府对政府偿付能力的寻求,使靠固定津贴生活的日本人越来越难以维持生计。)
Concerned that the Banks' books contain so many permanently impaired loans that their solvency is in question?(是不是担心银行帐面上永久性不良贷款太多而怀疑他们的偿付能力?)
Behind this would be a jump in concerns about solvency.(其背后的原因将是对偿付能力的担忧急剧增加。)
solvency是什么意思 solvency在线翻译 solvency什么意思 solvency的意思 solvency的翻译 solvency的解释 solvency的发音 solvency的同义词