英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 17:51:38
  • 双语例句


1. This thesis introduces a Multifunctional Long-Delay digital sound-effect device and a Reverb device based on the same hardware platform.

2. Although the sound-effect of many high-quality speech chips is very good, the amount of data need to be processed is too large.


3. Achievements in IT area are widely used in multimedia area, which in turn greatly improve the multimedia industry. The application of Long-Delay and Reverb Sound-effect system is a good example of DSP in audio Process.
IT 领域的科技成果越来越普遍的应用于视音频领域并大大地推动了视音频科技的进步,本课题研究的长延时与混响效果器就是在音频领域应用的一个很好的例子。

4. For the software, the thesis firstly introduces the designs of the sound-effect model of the two processing device, including the sound-effect algorithm and all the effect-model designs of the Long Delay device, the Hall and Room algorithm of Reverb device, and a newly designed Spring Reverb algorithm for Reverb device.

5. The Design and Realization of Long-Delay and Reverb Sound-effect System

Added new Rain sound effect.(增加了新的雨音效果。)
Fred: : Yes and its sound effect also makes my heart beat so strongly.(佛瑞德:没错,声音效果也让我的心脏跳得很厉害。)
" It's a decades-old audio recording of a very distinctive scream that has become a "pet sound effect" to many sound editors.(这个非常有特色的惨叫声的录音有数十年历史,已经变成了许多声音剪辑师的“音效宠儿”。)
Now, a solution to this “sound effect” may be in sight.(现在,这种“声音影响”的解决办法可能已在眼前。)
After going through some sound effect libraries, I found a sample that also had a similar rhythm to the song that stood out to me.(经过一些声音效果图书馆去,我发现了一个示例,也有一个类似节奏的歌曲,我站出来。)
Sound effect Maker can create sound effects for sound file.(声音效果制造商可以创造良好的效果,声音文件。)
Champion: This item now has a sound effect on its proc.(狮冠军:这个项目现在已拥有一个健全的影响,其解锁。)
Conclusion the early comprehensive standing training has a sound effect in improving the urinating function and preventing the infection of urinary system on paraplegia patients.(结论早期站立综合康复对改善截瘫患者排尿功能和防治泌尿系感染具有明显治疗作用。)
Suppose you open a track of MP3 data, and somewhere in the middle of that track you want to have the data "filtered" in a special way, perhaps adding an echoing sound effect to it.(假设您打开了一个MP3数据音轨,而在音轨中间的某个位置,您想要数据有一种特殊的“过滤”效果,比如添加一种回音音效。)
Owing to its modular architecture, each game event will have its own distinct sound: now, each sound effect is made up of between 10 and 30 distinct sound sources.(由于其模块化的架构的关系,每一个事件都有他自己独特的音效,而现在:每一个音效都是来自10-30个音源。)
sound-effect是什么意思 sound-effect在线翻译 sound-effect什么意思 sound-effect的意思 sound-effect的翻译 sound-effect的解释 sound-effect的发音 sound-effect的同义词