英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:26:48


英 [ˈsaʊndɪŋ]

美 [ˈsaʊndɪŋ]




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1. (铃或号的)发声,鸣响
The sounding of a bell or a horn is the act of causing it to make a sound.


e.g. There were 15 minutes between the first air raid alert and the sounding of the all-clear signal.
第一次空袭警报和空袭警报解除信号之间间隔了 15 分钟。

2. (收集或征询的)意见
If you take soundings, you try to find out people's opinions on a subject.

e.g. She will take soundings of the people's wishes before deciding on a course of action.

1. sounding的近义词

1. 测深:sorting facility for mixed construction waste 混合建筑废料分类设施 | sounding 测深 | space frame 空间构架

2. sounding的意思

2. 探测:sound spectrum 声谱 | sounding 探测 | source language 源语言


3. 探通术:sound head 录音头,拾声头 | sounding 探通术 | sound level calibrator 声级校准器

4. 水深测量:水深 soundings | 水深测量 sounding | 水深测量自动化系统 automatic hydrographic survey system

Two similar sounding English words also caused trouble for a man who wanted to fly from Los Angeles to Oakland.(两个发音相似的英语单词也给一个想从洛杉矶飞往奥克兰的人带来了麻烦。)
"No, I am not," Mary answered, her own whisper sounding half frightened.(“不,我不是。”玛丽低声回答说,她自己的声音听起来也有点害怕。)
Her grave is by the sounding sea.(她的墓地在涛声回荡的大海边。)
These structures had been detected years earlier by echo-sounding instruments, but they had never been penetrated in the course of drilling.(这些结构在早些年曾被回声探测器探测到,但是它们从未被钻探过。)
After at least eight rings, an ancient-sounding maid answered the phone.(电话至少八声后,一位听上去很老的女仆接了。)
She never minded the alarm clock sounding at 4 a.m.(她完全不介意闹钟在凌晨4点响起来。)
There were 15 minutes between the first air raid alert and the sounding of the all-clear signal.(从第一个空袭警报到警报解除号音其间有15分钟。)
Night-jars, sounding their mechanical rattle, made him think that the wood was full of searching warders, closing in on him.(欧夜鹰发出呆板的嘎嘎声,使他觉得树林里到处都是搜查他的卫兵,正在向他逼近。)
As the sound got louder, it became more distorted, fuzzy-sounding.(声音越大,音色越失真,听起来越不清楚。)
She woke up sounding like someone from England.(她醒来时说话带着英国口音。)
sounding是什么意思 sounding在线翻译 sounding什么意思 sounding的意思 sounding的翻译 sounding的解释 sounding的发音 sounding的同义词