Many clubs now specialise in single Valentine's nights -so make the most of it and play the field.(许多酒吧现在已有专设“单身情人节夜”派队——准备就绪,立刻上场吧!)
Of course all the stall will do their best to answer your questions, but now we're each going to specialise in certain areas.(当然,所有的摊位都会尽力回答你的问题,但现在我们每个人都将专注于某些领域。)
Almost every Mexican village has its folk art tradition - areas will specialise in ceramics, wooden animals, weaving, tin, rugs or silver jewellery.(几乎每一座墨西哥村庄都有当地民间艺术传承——陶瓷、木雕动物、编织品、锡器、毯子或者银饰,各有专长。)
Guards can specialise. They know which shifty characters to look out for and which policing works best in their area.(保安可以很专业,他们知道需要注意哪些细节,也知道怎样能做好自己的安保工作。)
But since the early 1990s budget cuts have encouraged them to compete and specialise.(但是自上世纪90年代以来,教育经费的缩减鼓励各大学之间进行专业方面的竞争。)
No one now questions the idea that particular parts of the brain specialise in particular activities.(现在,已经没有人对大脑特定的部位控制着人体特定的活动这一认识提出质疑。)
Primates specialise in savoring the many millions of flavor combinations that they can create for their mouths.(灵长类动物特别擅长于为它们的嘴巴创造数百万种不同的味道组合。)
In the current study, they have gained insight into the function of three genes in which they specialise.(在当前的研究中,科学家已经洞悉了三个基因的专门功能。)
As Adam Smith noted, division of Labour leads to greater productivity because it allows people to specialise and become very good at what they do.(正如亚当·斯密指出的那样,分工通过提高专业劳动者的熟练度来提高生产力。)
They specialise infields such as electronics manufacturing, precision engineering and finechemicals.(它们擅长的领域如电子工业、精密工学和精制化学。)
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