英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:31:19


英 [ˈspi:dbəʊt]

美 [ˈspi:dboʊt]



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1. a fast motorboat

1. 快艇
A speedboat is a boat that can go very fast because it has a powerful engine.

1. 快艇:如果岛比较近、提供快艇(speedboat)交通,你可能到了机场后就可以直接去岛上了,但如果比较远、需要坐水上飞机到达(一般下午4:30后就没航班了),而你的航班到达比较晚的话(新航、斯航、非航基本都在晚上10:00后到,东航早上4:30到),

2. 高速游艇:speed-down 减速 | speedboat 高速游艇 | speeder 调速器

3. 高速快艇:speed-voltage generator 测速发电机 | speedboat 高速快艇 | speeder 调速装置;加速器;变速滑车;快速工具

4. speedboat的反义词

4. 快艇码头:gangfights 帮派火并处 | speedboat 快艇码头 | shoreside lift bridge 跨海升降桥

What happened when the man tried to swing the speedboat round?(当那人想将快艇转向时发生了什么?)
Maybe it's a shiny new car or speedboat .(也许他们是一部闪亮的新车或游艇。)
Thee man tried to swing the speedboat round.(那人试图让快艇转弯。)
At 6:45 am this morning an inflatable speedboat carrying Kumi was launched from the Greenpeace ship Esperanza.(上午6点45分,库米·奈都搭乘的充气快艇从绿色和平组织的船只埃斯佩兰萨号(Esperanza,西班牙语意为“希望”——译注)出发,在避开钻井周围巡航数周之久的丹麦海军军舰后,将库米运送到了钻井的基座。)
The speedboat had struck a buoy.(快艇撞上了一个浮标。)
He promised to take us for a ride in the new speedboat his father bought.(他答应带我们坐着他父亲新买的快艇去兜风。)
Squad cars, fire engines and a police speedboat with divers rushed to the scene.(警方在获知此消息后,马上派出数辆警车、消防车,以及一艘配备有多名潜水员的警用快艇迅速赶往现场。)
Hop aboard a speedboat from Nha Trang, on the south-central coast of Vietnam, to reach this sanctuary.(跳下来自芽庄的快艇,在越南的中南部海岸上感受这片天堂。)
The sailing boat ran foul of a motor speedboat.(帆船撞到了机动快艇上。)
The engine broke and the speedboat stopped all of a sudden.(引擎坏了,快艇突然停下来。)
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