英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:33:02



英 [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl]

美 [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl]



副词: spiritually 名词: spiritualness

  • 双解释义

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  • 精神上的; 心灵的 of the human spirit or soul; not of physical things
  • 教会的,宗教的 of the Church or of religion

1. 精神(上)的;心灵(上)的
Spiritual means relating to people's thoughts and beliefs, rather than to their bodies and physical surroundings.

e.g. She lived entirely by spiritual values, in a world of poetry and imagination.

Our whole programme is spiritually oriented but not religious.
...the peaceful spirituality of Japanese culture.

2. 宗教(上)的;宗教信仰(上)的
Spiritual means relating to people's religious beliefs.


e.g. The spiritual leader of Ireland's 3.7 million Catholics...
爱尔兰 370 万天主教徒的宗教领袖
e.g. A man in priestly clothes offered spiritual guidance.

3. 灵歌(原为美国黑奴所唱的一种宗教歌曲)
A spiritual is a religious song of the type originally sung by black slaves in America.

4. 精神家园;精神故乡
Your spiritual home is the place where you feel that you belong, usually because your ideas or attitudes are the same as those of the people who live there.

1. 精神的:我希望你们了解'精神的'(spiritual)这个字真正的意思. 其函意是去找寻、去探索心真正的体性. 外在并非是精神的. 我的念珠不是精神的;我的衣袍也不是精神的. 精神的是心的意思,注重心性的人探寻精神的体性. 透过这样,

2. (心靈):Weekly Review有一个概念叫做,磨亮利器(Sharpen the Saw),也就是之前我们线上课程提过的四大需求,分为物质(Physical)、情感(Social)、心智(Mental)、心灵(Spiritual)四大部份.

3. 灵魂:大约是我们的神经系统(scientific)或我们的灵魂(spiritual)会记得我们做过的事, 好似Kally自从吃了一个好味的猪扒包, 咁猪扒包的色香味手感等就在妳个脑中, 当妳接触到勾起妳记忆的事, 妳就会想起, 咁现实中妳当然知道自己不是吃猪扒包al.

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • Reading books is man's spiritual needs.
  • His spiritual nature is good.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • He has no soul, because he feels no need of spiritual things.

    出自:G. Santayana
  • The field in which spiritual direction is best known..is..prayer.

    出自:V. A. Demant
  • The spiritual rewards made up for the lack of material rewards.

  • 词义讲解

spiritual, mental
  • 这两个词都有“心灵上的”的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.mental侧重“心理上的”; spiritual侧重“心灵上的”。例如:
  • His agony was mental, not physical.
  • 他的痛苦是心理上的,不是身体上的。
  • Her spiritual beauty outshone her physical beauty.
  • 她的心灵美胜于她的外表美。
  • 2.spiritual还有“宗教的”“教会的”意思,而mental没有此义。例如:
  • I am not concerned with man's spiritual problems.我不关注人们宗教方面的问题。
    • 高考真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.spiritual

    Mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures.

    在许多文化中, 山被视为心灵之地。


    The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily and spiritual emptiness will be enriched for a while.(身心的创伤得到了暂时的平复,精神的空虚得到了刹那的充实。)
    For this critic, photography was linked with "the great industrial madness" of the time, which in his eyes exercised disastrous consequences on the spiritual qualities of life and art.(对这位评论家来说,摄影与当时“伟大的工业疯狂”联系在一起,在他看来,这对生活和艺术的精神品质造成了灾难性的后果。)
    To understand the concerns of Milton's poetry, it is important to understand this massive conjunction of economic and spiritual thought.(想要了解弥尔顿诗歌的关注点,了解经济和精神上的联系是很重要的。)
    It can feel like a personal rejection if, like Zoe's dad, if you have no interest in the spiritual life, and your daughter does.(如果你对精神生活毫无兴趣,而你的女儿却一心向往,就像佐伊父亲的处境一样,你便会认为是针对个人的反叛。)
    By studying photographs, true artists, he claimed, would be relieved of menial tasks and become free to devote themselves to the more important spiritual aspects of their work.(他声称,通过研究照片,真正的艺术家能从技术含量较低的工作中解脱,自由地投身于他们工作中更重要的精神层面。)
    In this fast-changing and competitive world, it's only natural that people are seeking a spiritual anchor.(在这个瞬息万变,竞争激烈的世界里,人们寻找一个精神支柱是很自然的事情。)
    We're concerned about your spiritual welfare.(我们担心你的心理健康。)
    They believe that the animals painted were those central to the symbolic and spiritual life of the times.(他们相信画中的动物是那个时代的象征和精神生活的中心。)
    The account of spiritual struggle that follows has a humbling and numinous power.(接下来的关于精神挣扎的叙述有一种令人谦卑和神圣的力量。)
    His avowed intention was to bring about reform and spiritual renewal for the church.(他公开宣称他目标是进行教会改革和灵性的复兴。)
    spiritual是什么意思 spiritual在线翻译 spiritual什么意思 spiritual的意思 spiritual的翻译 spiritual的解释 spiritual的发音 spiritual的同义词