英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 18:31:03

spring roll

英 [spriŋ rəul]

美 [sprɪŋ rol]


第三人称复数:spring rolls

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1. minced vegetables and meat wrapped in a pancake and fried

Synonym: egg roll

1. 春卷:除此虽然现在英语处于强势(dominating)地位,汉语中的外来词越来越多,但是也有许多汉语词进入英语,比如大家耳熟能详的sampan(舢板)、coolie(苦力)、cheong-sam(旗袍)-长衫的音译、春卷(spring roll),除此以外地名也被收入英语之中,

2. 薄饼:2.红豆饼 Red-Bean Rice Cake | 3.薄饼 Spring Roll | 4.油饺 Deep-Fried Big Jiaozi

3. spring roll的翻译

3. 弹簧辊:spring bearing 弹簧轴承座 | spring roll 弹簧辊 | springiness (纸板)弹性

4. 韭黄炸春卷:叉烧焗餐包 Baked BBQ Pork Bun | 韭黄炸春卷 Spring Roll | 生煎蒸肉包 Pan Fry Pork Bun

Buy: chicken frozen, spring roll, packing plastic.(采购:冷冻鸡肉,春卷,包装用塑料袋。)
XMD series crusher is mainly composed of frame, housing, roll axles, spring, transmission and motors.(XMD系列破碎机主要构成有:框架,外壳,滚轴,弹簧,传输带和电机。)
Yes, and then spread some brown bean sauce and some chopped spring Onions on top, and then roll it up and eat it.(是的,然后放一些豆酱和一些洋葱末在上面,卷起来就可以吃了。)
Spring Roll, Roast Duck, Marinated Jellyfish, Mini Octopus, Crab Dates.(春卷,烧鸭,海哲,八爪鱼,蟹枣。)
The world famous Jiaozi and Chunjuan(spring roll) have even been accepted by foreigners as fast foods.(闻名世界的饺子和春卷现在也被外国人作为速食而广泛接受。)
The function of calcium-binding protein to improving the crispness of freezing pre-fried microwavable spring roll was studied.(研究钙结合大豆蛋白对冷冻预油炸微波春卷脆性的影响。)
In this city, though, fresh batches of dewy girls spring eternal and I do not roll my eyes when they marvel at new-to-them benchmarks.(然而,这个城市永远都有清新纯净的女孩子一批一批地涌进来。当她们为新的考验惊讶时,我都目不转睛地看着。)
Cable reel set up institutions that can be reversed to avoid the broken spring roll reversal.(电缆卷筒设置了可逆转机构,避免卷筒逆转而折断弹簧。)
Why not try our spring roll? It's delicious.(为什么不试一下春卷呢,它很好吃。)
How do you like my spring roll?(你觉得我做的春卷如何?)
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