英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:36:54

square off

英 [skwɛə ɔf]

美 [skwɛr ɔf]

(打斗等时)摆好(架势); 把 ... 做成方形
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

square off的意思


1. settle conclusively
come to terms

e.g. We finally settled the argument

Synonym: settlesquare updetermine

1. 平盘 未平仓的合约:445. spurious correlation 伪关联 | 446. square off 平盘 未平仓的合约 | 447. stagflation 滞胀

2. square off的解释

2. 摆出自卫或攻击的架式:cantina n.小酒店, 酒吧,挂在鞍头的袋子 | square off 摆出自卫或攻击的架式 | pair off v.成对而去, 分成一对一对

3. 把...做成方形; (打斗等时)摆好(架势):633. on the spur of the moment 一时冲动之下,当即 | 634. square off 把...做成方形; (打斗等时)摆好(架势) | square up 付清,结帐

4. 摆好姿势:square meter 平方米 | square off 摆好姿势 | square peg in a round hole 不合适的人或东西

We walked a few blocks together, toward Union Square, before we had to turn off in separate directions.(我们一块走过了几个街区,走到了联合广场,在那里我们要各自走不同的方向。)
An ice island with an area of 100 square miles has broken off from one of Greenland's two main glaciers in what scientists say is the biggest such event in the Arctic in nearly 50 years.(一块面积达到100平方英里的浮冰岛已经从格陵兰两大冰川之一崩离,用科学家的话来说,这块浮冰岛的崩落是近50年北极同类事件中最大的一个。)
Or, try one that's slightly off-center to blur the bold edges of a square face.(或者尝试一下向一边偏分一点点,这样方脸的棱角就不至于太突出。)
Square off in spectacular battles against foes that you'll encounter along the way and brace yourself for some intense action.(在壮观的系列战斗中摆好姿势,迎接来自路上遇到的敌人的挑战,在某些行动中尽力保护好自己。)
The pair will square off in the second round, on October 16th.(这两人将在10月16号的第二轮投票中进行对决。)
Tens of thousands of viewers might then troop off to Trafalgar Square to see these works in the flesh, so to speak.(可能会有成千上万的游客因此集中到特拉法加广场去亲眼观赏那些作品。)
At least four people were killed and over 100 injured by the 35 million cubic feet of sludge, which knocked cars off the road, burned through victims clothes and affected a 15 square mile area.(这些将近3500万立方英尺的有毒淤泥已经夺去了至少4名市民的生命和造成了至少100名伤员,冲跑了路上的汽车,烧掉了伤员的衣服并且影响范围超过了15平方英里。)
Spend your morning at the National Gallery off Trafalgar Square , where you'll see paintings by the masters including Leonardo da Vinci , Rembrandt , Picasso , Michelangelo , Monet and Van Gogh.(你可以去国立艺术馆游览一上午,附近有个特拉法加广场(有很多鸽子),在馆里可以欣赏到历来大师作品包括达芬奇,伦勃朗,毕加索,米开朗琪罗,莫奈以及梵高等。)
Square off a piece of wood .(把一块木头加工成方形。)
The Coral Sea covers 780,000 square kilometers and borders the Great Barrier Reef off Australia's east coast.(珊瑚海涵盖780,000平方公里,毗邻澳大利亚东海岸的大堡礁。)
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