英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 18:36:33
  • 网络解释

1. 从零开始:善用现有的管道(use existing process) 调查一下是否别人有作过类似的案例(case) 调查一下是否别的部门有正在使用或采购类似的资源 尽量不要从零开始(start from scratch) 1.3.2 检验资源的限制(examine resource limitations) 认清哪些资源是必需的,

2. 白手起家:我这个白马王子(Prince Charming)如今32岁,25岁的时候白手起家(start from scratch). 当时我开了一个网吧(internet bar),自己做网管(adm居住在南美巴拿马、哥伦比亚以及厄瓜多尔的吴南人(Wounaan)是鲜为外界所知的土著部落之一.

3. start from scratch什么意思

3. 从头做起,从零开始:stand up 立起;(论点)站得住脚 | start from scratch 从头做起,从零开始 | start off 出发,动身;开始

4. 从头开始:Stars are not seen by sunshine. 日出星隐,相形见绌. | Start from scratch 从头开始 | start on the wrong foot 迈错第一步

Improved wizards for message flow creation that let you start from scratch, WSDL or a message set.(用于创建消息流的经过改进的向导,它允许您从头开始、从wsdl或消息集开始创建消息流。)
If we have to start from scratch then all take time.(如果我们必须从头开始,那么一切都需要时间。)
You don't have to start from scratch when you begin learning online.(当你开始在网上学习的时候并不需要从头开始。)
But the Derby project didn't start from scratch.(但是Derby项目并不是从零开始的。)
If we have to start from scratch then it all takes time.(如果我们要从头开始,那么这一切需要时间。)
Let's just start from scratch and see what happens this time.(让我们从头开始吧,看看这次要发生什么!)
The only answer is to start from scratch.(唯一答案是,从头开始。)
My network had been crushed and I had to start from scratch.(我的网络已被摧毁了,我得从头开始。)
Should you start from scratch?(你是否应该从零开始?)
If you want an entirely Ajax-based interface, you'd probably start from scratch.(如果希望得到的是一个完全基于Ajax的界面,最好还是从头创建。)
start from scratch是什么意思 start from scratch在线翻译 start from scratch什么意思 start from scratch的意思 start from scratch的翻译 start from scratch的解释 start from scratch的发音 start from scratch的同义词