英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:41:45



英 [stəˈtɪstɪk]

美 [stəˈtɪstɪk]



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  • 统计量
  • 统计数值
  • 统计资料中的一项
  • 统计资料
  • 统计学
  • 典型统计论
  • 典型统计数字
  • 典型统计量
  • 统计学(上)的
  • 统计(上)的


1. a datum that can be represented numerically

1. 统计数字(或资料)
Statistics are facts which are obtained from analysing information expressed in numbers, for example information about the number of times that something happens.

e.g. Official statistics show real wages declining by 24%...
官方统计数字表明实际工资下降了 24%。
e.g. There are no reliable statistics for the number of deaths in the battle.

2. 统计学
Statistics is a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of information that is expressed in numbers.

e.g. ...a professor of Mathematical Statistics.

1. statistic的翻译

1. 统计:由政府成立的德国天然药草研究委员会(German's Commission E)也建议银杏可用来治疗大脑功能不足. 不论在德国、美国、日本或中国大陆,关于银杏的研究还在纷纷出炉中,银杏叶也成为许多国家所风行的健康食品. Blog统计 (Statistic)

2. 统计学:掌相与财富林俊 ( Martin ) 现任理大香港专上学院校友会会长理大校友会联会理事 统计学 (Statistic) 资讯性 (Informative)伸手时五指全部分开者性格爽朗才情扩溢一切乐观,容易放松意志薄弱,怕惹麻烦不能保密喜欢夸张五指拼拢者一丝不苟,

3. statistic的近义词

3. 统计量 統計量:10.统计量:统计量(statistic)是指样本的统计指标,如样本均数、样本率等. 样本统计量可用来估计总体参数. 总体参数是固定的常数,统计量是在总体参数附近波动的随机变量.

  • 经典引文

  • Although the first dead was..a tragedy, the ten thousandth was a statistic.

    出自:E. Hyams
  • A..statistic shows that 54 per cent of..women voted.

    出自:Daily Telegraph
Any statistic data?(有统计数据吗?)
I felt I was no longer being treated as a person but as a statistic.(我感觉我不再被看作人,而被看作一个统计数字了。)
report used service statistic per requesto(报告每次请求的使用服务统计数据)
The most important statistic of the day, however, was the $100,000,000 in TV advertising fees.(然而,当天最重要的统计数字是1亿美元的电视广告费。)
A statistic on adults who regularly engage in volunteer work helping others shows that they live longer, on average, than adults who do not volunteer.(对定期参加志愿服务帮助他人的成年人的调查数据显示,这类人群的平均寿命比不做志愿服务的成年人要长。)
Thoughts turn first to some sort of global statistic, some indicator which would rate the wealth of nations in both economic and environmental terms and show a relationship between the two.(人们首先想到的是某种全球统计数据,某种指标,它将对各国的经济和环境条件进行评级,并显示出两者之间的关系。)
Despite the statistic, the captain stuck to his duty.(尽管有统计,船长还是坚持他的职责。)
This is a statistic which may surprise some.(这是一个令一些人惊讶的数据。)
Have you SEEN the traffic fatality statistic?(你没有看过交通事故统计数据吗?)
I'm statistic-phobic, and hopelessly ignorant of medicine.(我对统计数据感到恐惧,对药物也一窍不通。)
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