英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:45:12


英 [stɪflɪ]

美 [ˈstɪflɪ]


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  • 僵硬地,生硬地
  • 顽固地
  • 坚硬地
  • 拘谨地,不自然地
  • 直挺挺地,一动也不动地
  • 冷冷地,冷漠地


1. in a stiff manner

e.g. his hands lay stiffly

Synonym: stiff

2. in a rigid manner

e.g. the body was rigidly erect
he sat bolt upright

Synonym: rigidlybolt

1. 顽固地:stiffener 使僵硬的人 | stiffly 顽固地 | stiffness 坚硬

2. 僵硬地,呆滞地:13 Reassess:重估. | 14 Stiffly:僵硬地,呆滞地. | 15 Rumpus:喧闹.

3. 僵硬地:worn-out磨破的 | stiffly僵硬地 | failure 失败(者)

4. stiffly的意思

4. 僵硬的:tantrum(发怒) | stiffly僵硬的 | sniffed (嗤之以鼻)

He climbed stiffly from the Volkswagen.(他浑身酸痛地从大众汽车里爬出来。)
She held up her hand stiffly.(她僵硬地举起手来。)
After a minute she backed away and pointed very stiffly toward the north end of the station.(过了一会儿,她往后一站,用手直指车站的最北头。)
Moira sat stiffly upright in her straight-backed chair.(莫伊拉直挺挺地坐在直背椅上。)
They greeted each other stiffly, without affection.(他们生硬地打着招呼,没有一丝爱意。)
Walking up to the car he would use, Obama waved stiffly and flashed a smile before he ducked into the SUV.(走向他要用的汽车,奥巴马僵硬得挥挥手并闪了一丝笑容就钻进了他的越野车。)
"She thinks we have lost the way," he replied stiffly, "and she is rather frightened."(“她以为我们迷路了,”他生硬地回答,“她相当害怕。”)
Some of them still stiffly adhere to the old thoughts.(他们当中有些人至今仍然抱着旧思想不放。)
He faced gus, his eyes red with anger and fear, his fists clenched and held stiffly to his sides.(他面对着格斯,又生气又害怕,连眼睛都红了,他的两只攥得紧紧的拳头僵硬地放在身体两侧。)
He pointed at Lisa, who sat quietly and stiffly. "She was the one who was about to reveal my plans!"(他用手指着莉莎——莉莎一动不动地坐着,很安静——他又说:“她想泄露我的计划!”)
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