英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 22:31:55

strike up

英 [straik ʌp]

美 [straɪk ʌp]

开始演奏; 开始(交谈),建立起(友谊等)

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1. begin

e.g. strike up a conversation
strike up a friendship

2. start playing

e.g. The musicians struck up a tune

Synonym: sound off

1. 开始(交谈);建立(友谊);开始(来往)
When you strike up a conversation or friendship with someone, you begin one.

e.g. I trailed her into Penney's and struck up a conversation...
e.g. James struck up a friendship with a small boy who owned a pony on the island.

2. 开始演奏
When musicians strike up a piece of music, or when music strikes up, the music begins.

e.g. And then the orchestra struck up the National Anthem...
e.g. Music struck up in one of the big old buildings along the seafront...

1. 开始演奏:2. elegant adj. 优雅的 | 3. strike up 开始演奏 | 4. waltz n. 华尔兹

2. 开始演奏;开始(交谈 建立起(友谊等):recent a. 新近的,近来的 | strike up 开始演奏;开始(交谈 建立起(友谊等) | strike v. 冲,撞;罢工;(使)产生印象,打动;极点;发现,找到 n. 罢工

3. 开始(谈话,演奏:1461strike someone as在某人看来似乎... | 1462strike up开始(谈话,演奏...) | 1463stripen. 条纹

4. 发起谈话:Pie in the sky 天方夜谭 | strike up 发起谈话 | stock up 囤货

To help, think of a few topics or questions before the party that you can use to strike up a conversation with someone new.(为了能有帮助,在派对之前想一些话题或者问题,你可以用他们来和新认识的人交谈。)
The two strike up a unique friendship, even as a string of murders in their small town threaten to tear them apart.(尽管小镇上发生的一连串谋杀可能让他们分开,两人仍然建立起一段特殊的友谊。)
Other people show up and strike up a conversation with someone in the room, or me or the staff, " he says.(有的人到场之后,则会与房间里的其他人,或者跟我或公司的员工攀谈。)
He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers.(他爱和根本不相识的人攀谈。)
From time to time I tried to strike up conversations with ordinary citizens, people with whom meetings had not been arranged.(我不断试着与普通市民交流,我要的是既定安排之外的接触。)
Strike up the drum and march courageously.(敲响战鼓,奋勇向前。)
Saunders: When did you then strike up this friendship that Leonard Cohen describes in song?(桑德斯:你是什么时候开始歌中描述的和莱纳德·科恩的这份友情哪?)
Strike up a conversation with a Parisian. This isn't always easy, though.(找一个巴黎人展开一段会话,但这也不太容易。)
Check out their websites -even strike up a conversation with the author if you feel like it.(去作者的站点看看,甚至你还可能和作者聊上一聊。)
Before they arrive, Edward's family and Jacob's lupine tribe strike up a temporary alliance to keep Bella safe.(在他们抵达之前,爱德华的家人和雅各布的狼族达成了临时同盟,保护贝拉的安全。)
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