英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 22:37:01


英 [ˈsʌbstrɑ:təm]

美 [ˈsʌbstreɪtəm]


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形容词: substrative 名词复数: substrata

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  • 下层
  • 基础
  • 底层
  • 下层土壤
  • 【生】基层
  • 根本
  • 【生化】培养基
  • 基质
  • 【农】下层土
  • 底土
  • 心土
  • 【摄】胶层
  • 下层社会
  • 底土层
  • 根据
  • 根基
  • 胶层感光乳剂附着的


1. an indigenous language that contributes features to the language of an invading people who impose their language on the indigenous population

e.g. the Celtic languages of Britain are a substrate for English

Synonym: substrate

2. any stratum or layer lying underneath another

Synonym: substrate

3. a surface on which an organism grows or is attached

e.g. the gardener talked about the proper substrate for acid-loving plants

Synonym: substrate

1. 下层;底层;深层特征;隐性特质
A substratum of something is a layer that lies under the surface of another layer, or a feature that is less obvious than other features.

e.g. ...its deep substratum of chalk...
e.g. His recreation of the city is credible, with a substratum of fact to bolster the fiction.


1. 下层:众所周知从干涉(interference)反映显微镜研究培养中的细胞附着在下层(substratum)通过小脚型仿射离开在腹侧(ventral)的细胞或下层之间的空间或通道,因此细胞覆盖电极的阻搞,奖依赖于所施加的交流频率.

2. 基质:对存在本原的如上追寻,可以看作是试图在始基或基质(substratum)的层面达到存在的统一性1. 水、火、原子、气等元素尽管有本原程度上的不同(原子、气相对于水、火等似乎更为基本),但都属构成事物的质料,以质料为始基,意味着将物质元素视为宇宙之砖.

3. 基底:暂时性接触之片利共生:如有些动物以树为基底(substratum)作为掩藏爬高或筑巢之用.印头鱼暂时吸附於鲨鱼之腹部.又如磷沙蚕挖掘作成之u形管管口会躲藏蟹类.小鳗鱼常躲到海胡瓜(或称瓜参sea cucumber)之泄殖腔内.其他如拟态动物、腐

4. 底土, 下层土壤地基:tetraphenyl ethylene 四苯乙烯 | substratum 底土, 下层土壤地基 | independent retailer 独立经营的零售商

  • 经典引文

  • If we look more deeply I think we can find a substratum of common problems.

    出自:R. Heilbroner
  • Anatomical information..forms an excellent substratum on which to build future experiments.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

And the parameter indicated the flexibility of foundation is also adopted for flexible strip foundation on elastic soils with saturated substratum.(而对于上覆单相弹性饱和地基上弹性基础的竖向振动,则分析了弹性基础的弹性特性参数对竖向振动的影响。)
The settlement of pile top in pile foundationconsists of pile compression and settlement of substratum.(采用实体深基础法的思想,桩顶沉降分为桩身压缩和桩端沉降。)
The lithologic substratum is made of gravel, sand and clay with a layer of loess.(岩性底层是由砾石,沙质土,粘土与黄土层组成。)
In this paper, the rf plasma deposited method has been reported. On the silicium substratum, the amorphous carbon film with excellent properties have been made.(本文介绍了用射频等离子体化学气相沉积的方法,在硅基底上制备得到具有优异性能的非晶态碳膜。)
There is a broad substratum of truth in it.(这其中有广泛的事实做基础。)
The best nutrition supply was basic substratum mixed with rapeseed cake liquid.(营养供给以基本基质加菜籽饼水液为佳。)
The film have good anti-abrasive and anti-reflexive function on the silicium substratum.(该膜对硅基底有很好的耐磨损和抗反射作用。)
A wide field in Mattoon boasted easy access to a railway line, making delivery of the coal easy, and a sandstone substratum, apparently well suited for sequestering carbon dioxide.(广阔的马顿市拥有通往铁路线的便利交通,使运输煤更加便捷,同时下层砂岩土显然非常适合碳封存。)
The tiny shear displacement between superstratum and substratum steel pieces is allowable, so good contact state is kept when axes may be inclined.(垫片上下两层钢质片允许发生微量的剪切位移,从而在轴颈偏斜时能保持良好的接触状态。)
The composition of the substratum for the bacteria is maize powder, soybean powder, ammonium sulphate, magnesium sulphate and manganese sulphate etc. inorganic salt.(该菌使用的培养基主要成分有玉米粉,黄豆粉,硫酸铵,硫酸镁和硫酸锰等无机盐。)
substratum是什么意思 substratum在线翻译 substratum什么意思 substratum的意思 substratum的翻译 substratum的解释 substratum的发音 substratum的同义词