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更新时间:2025-03-17 19:02:16
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swarm of的翻译

1. In the 1978 George Romero film " Dawn of the Dead, " zombies swarm a shopping mall in a grim parody of mindless consumerism.

2. A young Chinese scientist stood rooted to the spot in Denver airport, overwhelmed by the swarm of air travelers around him.

3. The frame of a modern city is beginning to take shape here as crowds of elite technicians and industrial workers swarm to the zone.

4. Each year millions of tourists swarm to the mountain and its surrounding areas to experience Taoist culture firsthand.

5. Things get out of hand as dancing lions swarm the streets of Hong Kong until the government steps in with restrictions.

6. One of the irritated alligators bit Liu's clothes and dragged him into water, where he was eaten by a swarm of alligators.

7. Cultural products such as books and disks tend to have low marginal costs, thus drawing a swarm of counterfeiters.

8. Police also went to the home Monday night after someone reported a swarm of paparazzi trespassing in the singer's gated community.

9. The swarm suddenly became larger and within an hour, they hovered near a sack of flour.

10. Students swarm on the schoolyard of Guizhou Mechanical Industry School on August 23 before the term begins.

1. swarm of

1. You found a pestilent swarm of rats on your farm.

2. A swarm of Jurassic insects and reptiles, allegory of the long terrestrial migration the Pendulum was tracing, aimed at me like angry archons with their long archeopterix-beaks; the planes of Bréguet, Blériot, Esnault, and the helicopter of Dufaux.

3. In view of the deficiency of Standard Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm, that is, easy convergence to the local optimum, an improved renewal equation of the particles velocities is used, in which an average minimum on the renewal equation of SPSO is added so that each particle can refer to its companion's message. Furthermore, a mutation operation is added to the iterative process to initialize the positions and velocities of the unable particles in order to keep the diversity of particle swarm.

4. I've seen more than a few hives throwing off a swarm, and never has one failed to transfix me utterly, or to dumbfound everyone else within sight of it.

5. Just a few days before the attempted robbery of Miss owners Hu told reporters: October 23, a small percentage of security that this road occurred in the bushes in Tibet who suddenly swarm to the attack, looting single woman thing, I think this terrible thing was I came across. On the evening of 8 November 30:50%, I went to work, a person out to the station from home, land adjacent to areas west suddenly darting two tall men, one escape my neck holding my mouth, another person grab my bags.

6. She stuck her face round the corner of the house, expecting to see a swarm of bees.

7. swarm of

7. These combatants had around them something in the nature of a swarm of spectres, silhouettes of men on horseback, the black profiles of cannon, the white sky viewed through wheels gun-carriages, the colossal death's-head, which the heroes saw constantly through the smoke, in the depths of the battle, advanced upon them gazed at them.


8. By defining a suitable particle structure, an algorithm based on the principles of particle swarm optimization was designed.

9. After imitating experiments with computers, one may know that the best solution obtained with the method combining ant colony algorithms and particle swarm optimization, the given best value stored in TSP can be achieved and hence it is efficient to solve the TSP problem with the use of the method of combining the 2 algorithms.

10. swarm of是什么意思

10. This is a fundamental particle swarm optimization algorithm using two test function solution of the minimum problem.

11. Your princes are like the locust swarm, And your officials are like hordes of locusts, Which camp in the hedges On a cold day, But when the sun arises, they flee away, And the place where they are is unknown.
3:17 你的首领多如蝗虫,你的军长仿佛成群的蝗虫,天凉的时候,齐落在篱笆上,日头一出便都飞去,不知道落在何处。

12. Optical signal can transmit only 25km. We simulated 2-stage PMD adaptive compensation based on using Degree of Polarization as feedback signal. The simulation system uses Particle Swarm Optimization search algorithm to narrow and stalk the PMD signal in transmission, and controls Polarization Controller.
本文仿实了以恰恰振度(DOP-Degree ofPolarization)做为反馈信号的两阶恰恰振模色集自逆当挖偿试验,当仿实体解通功自逆当挖偿算法PSO闭于光链道外的PMD信号入行收索和踪,并控造恰恰振控造器(PC-Polarization Controller),实现了闭于PMD的自逆当挖偿。

13. A number of our outposts are already under attack by the renegade Swarm!

14. swarm of在线翻译

14. If we go sending some sort of rescue mission, flat aheading throughout swarm of German reinforcement all along the Axis advancement, they are going to be KIAs too.--

15. swarm of

15. A new kind of filter for Pareto solutions is presented. And a kind of critertion judging the stagnation of the particles in particle swarm optimization based on the filter is proposed. Based on which, a kind of multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed.


16. The paper analyses optimal switching devices in the distribution networks, sets up a model to decide to judge types and numbers of switchs in proper location of distribution networks and applies to partical swarm optimization to compute. The simulation system is constituted with matlab. The paper discusses and analyses theory of fault location, excogitates a synthesis matrix algorithm and an algorithm based on GPRS for fault location and isolation.

17. swarm of

17. Particle swarm optimization mainly considered the two domains: artificial life, PSO was inspired by the process of searching food of bird flock and fish school, especially Swarm Theory, on the other hand, evolutionary computation, especially has ties to genetic algorithm and evolutionary programming.

18. swarm of的近义词

18. The review of Intelligence Algorithms'development, especially that of Particle Swarm Optimizing algorithms, are introduced in the paper. We mainly carried some measures to solve the problems, which the particles of PSO are prone to drop into the Max. Trap. And feasible improved PSO algorithms, which are available to the Polar Coordination Question space and multi-dimensional multi-objective co-functioning optimization problems space, are brought forward respectively. these improving algorithms are programmed in the environment of MATLAB software, and some testing functions are chosen to illustrate their optimizing process. In the end, the latter improved algorithm was applied in parameters'optimization of numerical controlling cutting process, as an example of practical application.

19. Just as Mark was about to shut the last one, a swarm of locusts as thick as molasses came flying through the window, filling the room in seconds...


20. 4 Deadly Swarm Earth Swarm Summons a swarm of biting, stinging insects to bedevil a single target.
4 致命毒蜂 Earth 致命毒蜂可以使你召唤大批蜇人蜂袭击单一的目标。

The High-Powered Microwave, as it is called, is reported by Aviation Week to be powerful enough to disable all of the motors in a swarm of up to 30 speedboats.(据《航空》周刊报道,这种称为高能微波的电磁炮具有足够的威力使总数达30之多的高速快艇集群的所有引擎统统失灵。)
She left amid a swarm of photographers.(她离开时一群摄影师围着。)
Sometimes it is more deadly and destructive than a swarm of locusts.(有时它比成群的蝗虫更加致命,更具破坏力。)
The fish just come up and start nibbling your feet, and then eventually you get a pretty big swarm of them biting in between your toes and on the dead skin.(这些鱼涌上来开始一点点地咬我们的脚,然后,就有一大群小鱼聚在你的脚趾间啃食死皮。)
With this news came to the Bill and Kate as well as their life's precarious marriage and a swarm of paparazzi.(伴随着这则消息一起来到比尔和凯特生活里的还有他们岌岌可危的婚姻以及蜂拥而至的媒体。)
Another example would be a window shattering, wind gushing in and a swarm of bats flying towards you.(另一个例子就是窗子破碎,风吹了进来,一大群蝙蝠冲你飞了过来。)
Stroll around any Mexican city for a while and you will notice a background hum like a swarm of angry bees.(在任何一个墨西哥城市转一圈,你都会注意到周围的嗡嗡声,就像一群愤怒的蜜蜂。)
Then he looked to the horizon and saw a swarm of small objects descending, trailing tails of smoke from behind, and he knew.(他马上向天际望去,看到大群的小物体正在降落,尾部冒着烟划出一道尾迹。)
The most extreme death, however, was caused by blood loss after a swarm of mosquitoes attacked a thick-billed murre.(还有一些鸟则被强风吹到海里而死。然而最极端的例子则是一只厚嘴默被一群蚊子叮咬后失血而死。)
Her complex single tattoo includes a swarm of dragonflies on her back and a large spider's web etched onto her stomach with tarantulas crawling over her midriff.(她的全身神纹身包括背部的一大群蜻蜓、腹部的一张大蜘蛛网和上腹部的大小不一的狼蛛图案。)
swarm of是什么意思 swarm of在线翻译 swarm of什么意思 swarm of的意思 swarm of的翻译 swarm of的解释 swarm of的发音 swarm of的同义词