英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 22:47:31



英 [ˈsweti]

美 [ˈswɛti]


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副词: sweatily 比较级: sweatier 最高级: sweatiest 名词: sweatiness

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1. 满是汗的;汗淋淋的
If parts of your body or your clothes are sweaty, they are soaked or covered with sweat.

e.g. ...sweaty hands...
e.g. She was hot and sweaty.

2. 热得(或累得)让人出汗的
A sweaty place or activity makes you sweat because it is hot or tiring.

e.g. ...a sweaty nightclub.

1. 出汗的:sweatshop 血汗工厂 | sweaty 出汗的 | Swede 瑞典人

2. sweaty是什么意思

2. 多汗的:Delicate 纤巧的 | Sweaty 多汗的 | Veined 青筋突出的

3. 大嘴模式:BLOATED 获得一个Afro | SWEATY 大嘴模式 | IDKFA 好笑的画面

4. 流汗:And it would get kind of...|然后就会开始... | ...sweaty...|流汗... | ...and blurry.|目眩神迷...

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Not in a sweaty armpit or linty belly button.(不是汗津津的腋窝,也不是软绒绒的肚脐。)
The culprit is not sweat itself, but the bacteria that use sweaty skin as a breeding ground.(罪魁祸首不是汗液,而是那些把充满汗液的皮肤当成繁殖场所的细菌。)
Tourists flock from India's sweaty plains to gasp the mountain air.(来自印度炎热平原的游客蜂拥而至享受的山间空气。)
Office workers try, often in vain, not to doze off at their desks after arduous, sweaty journeys.(办公室职员在费劲且汗流浃背地赶到公司后试着不去打瞌睡,可总是不尽人意。)
Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing and is your voice caught within your chest??(你手心出汗,你内心狂跳,你胸中有话说不出吗??)
It's hot and sweaty and too slow!(公共汽车很热、让人出汗,而且太慢了!)
On the airplane, though, I was really sweaty.(虽然我还在坐飞机,但我真的觉得很开心。)
If you're somewhere crowded and sweaty and hot, wash your hands often.(如果你在某个拥挤、流汗、炎热的地方,那就要经常洗手。)
His third was to add rubbery dots that keep the pencils from slipping out of sweaty little hands.(第三项是在笔上增加橡皮点,这样可以使铅笔不容易划出孩子们充满汗水的小手。)
But women needed to get hotter, or work harder, than men before they got sweaty, says the study.(但是,研究说,女人在出汗之前,相比于男人,要获得更多的热量以及工作更努力一些。)
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