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更新时间:2025-03-24 22:47:56
  • 双语例句

1. Small carp are the most voracious fish, and it looked cinnamon, saliva flow continuously down, I thought: So delicious, so sweet-smelling bait eat, too wa...

2. sweet-smelling是什么意思

2. I sit on the shutter shade, bamboo, the leather chair padding on the screen, you're in silently, you breath with me, you talk with my poetry with drink sweet-smelling brew, with the screen keyboard, you and I together, warmth, life of knitting.

3. God's mercy to 2 beloved, and the souls into the river, they also become sweet-smelling narcissuses of god the daffodils.

4. sweet-smelling

4. Find a fresh new pillow from the linen closet, put a sweet-smelling case on it, and try again.


5. It comes when we remember nothing but clear skies, green fields and sweet-smelling glowers when the recollection of snow, and ice, and bleak winds, has faded from our minds as completely as they have disappeared from the earth and yet what a pleasant time it is!

6. Phi Yifan with you once month, Gong Shang a song, Aichi Xiangxi friendship, as if shrouded in its winding wine, even though lanes and far-reaching, but also to conceal its sweet-smelling aroma, which means long.

7. sweet-smelling

7. I smell the smell closer, ah, sweet-smelling, and the world is delicious!


8. Yin among them it sends to be by late Yin the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region sweet-smelling school, personated young man of Shaoxing opera, that creat, performing artist of Shaoxing opera, , the most extensive school spreads in Shaoxing operas school at present too.

9. Each one of us is to spread the sweet-smelling savor of the healing oil of Christ to this sick world.

10. Lovely little girl, Do you want to buy a red and sweet-smelling apple!

11. "Lovely little girl, Do you want to buy a red and sweet-smelling apple!

12. The orchid nearby is sweet-smelling(the fragrance is really a kind of power, it can govern an area).

13. Please apply some sweet-smelling liquid to my hair and massage it with your fingertips.

14. Then he noticed the sweet-smelling odor. It reminded him of a dentist's office.


15. In this way, a pot of sweet-smelling success of the potato on the side!

16. See the table on which food trays and trays of sweet-smelling, can not help but coveted, I pick up the chopsticks, is preparing to start when I mother, said she did not come before, who do not eat.

17. Babies grow up like chasing people on the run, if you are sleeping in the baby`s right, baby likes to sleep head to the right, you can change the edge baby, let your baby sleep to your left, your baby can be used left to sleep, or sleep sack to the baby`s pillow, your baby`s head in favor of stereotypes, such as your baby to sleep can also be very sweet-smelling baby`s first time往左侧generally not wake the baby.

18. sweet-smelling是什么意思

18. It's warm, cozy, sweet-smelling, and done with their favorite person — Mom.

19. sweet-smelling

19. Mom and I eat something of the sweet-smelling food, feel a little more warm.

20. sweet-smelling的解释

20. The entire ram shall then be burned on the altar, since it is a holocaust, a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Nanxiong ample sunshine and rainfall, the color of golden tobacco products, cigarette smoke sweet-smelling, flammable gray, plain famous.(南雄日照充足,雨量充沛,所产烟叶色泽金黄,烟味醇香,易燃灰白,素负盛名。)
Car perfume make you your car, pick a sweet-smelling beautiful chic scent-bottle will need to spend some of idea.(汽车香水令你您的车芳香四溢,挑上一个漂亮别致的香水瓶就需要花上些心思了。)
Example: "Pass that sweet-smelling Turkey this way."(例子:“把那香喷喷的火鸡端过来。”)
With all these sweet-smelling misty trees around she couldn’t sneeze, and who could cry with the golden apples of the Hesperides in her pocket?(这么多清甜的气息围绕着,她打不出喷嚏,而一个口袋里装着赫斯帕里得斯的金苹果的人是怎么也哭不出来的。)
God's mercy to 2 beloved, and the souls into the river, they also become sweet-smelling narcissuses of god the daffodils.(上天怜悯二人的至情至爱,便将二人的魂魄化为江边水仙,她们也成为腊月水仙的花神了。)
Or, instead of a tree, some people have a small, sweet-smelling rosemary plant, cut to look like a little Christmas tree.(或者,有些人会用一棵小却很香的迷迭香,剪切成一颗小圣诞树的形状。)
In 1847, the Scottish physician Sir James Young Simpson first used the sweet-smelling, colorless, non-flammable liquid as an anesthetic.(在1847年,苏格兰的医生JamesYoungSimpson第一个使用氯仿-无色,甜味,不可燃的液体-作为麻醉剂。)
The researchers also placed a sweet-smelling spray on grasses near other ponds. But that spray contained no boric acid.(研究人员也在其他池塘附近的草地上喷洒了一种有甜味的喷雾。不过这种喷雾中不含硼酸。)
And beautiful plants and sweet-smelling flowers grow in the Everglades. These include several kinds of the highly prized and rare flower, the orchid.(大沼泽上生长了许多美丽的植物和馨香的花朵,其中包括一些极其珍稀的花种--兰花。)
For example, they produced dogs ranging from poodles to Great Danes, and roses from sweet-smelling miniatures to today's long-lasting, but scent-free reds.(比如,他们饲养犬类,从卷毛到大丹,他们种植玫瑰,从散发出甜美气味的小玩意到今天能长期保鲜且无气味的大红。)
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