英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 22:59:50
  • 网络解释

1. 撕,扯:41.cut off 切掉;割掉;剪下;切断;隔绝 | 42.tear at 撕,扯...... | 1.stick with继续支持;保持联系

2. 撕,扯......用力撕:41.cut off 切掉;割掉;剪下;切断;隔绝 | 42.tear at 撕,扯......用力撕 | The child was tearing at the wrapping of the gift box.那孩子正在用力撕礼盒的包装纸.

3. tear at是什么意思

3. 撕开;扯开:23. in the way of......这一类东西;在......方面 | 24. tear at撕开;扯开 | 25.a set of combs一套梳子

4. 用力撕:strike at向...打击 | tear at用力撕 | wonder at惊讶

Known as OB runaways, these massive stars tear through space at surprisingly high speed-sometimes hundreds of kilometers per second.(这些被叫做OB速逃星的巨大的恒星在以极高的速度(有时达上百千米每秒)在太空中穿行。)
This allowed the user to tear out bubbles from many different points in the code base and see them all at once.(这帮助用户从代码库的不同位置抓取气泡,能够一次性查看所有需要的函数。)
Without grounding, a wobble develops, and if it is severe enough, the wobble may tear at the etheric skin causing rifts that are very painful.(没有根植,能量场就会产生抖动,如果抖动足够严重的话,就会撕裂以太皮肤而造成非常疼痛的裂缝。)
It is the first time I've shed a tear at an Asian film with a male lead, and that's saying a little something.(这是我第一次为亚洲电影的男主角落泪,而这说明了某种东西。)
They relentlessly tear at the flowers they see.(他们见花就摘,毫不爱惜。)
Methods Synoviums of knees were obtained from 35 patients with RA and 20 patients with OA and 20 with meniscus tear at the time of surgery.(方法取35例ra,20例骨关节炎(OA)及20例半月板损伤患者手术切除的膝关节滑膜标本。)
Climbing out of the car, he felt the sharp winds of winter tear at his hair, ruffling it over his eyes.(攀登从汽车,他在他的头发感觉冬天泪滴的锐利风,在他的眼睛之上弄绉它。)
In this manner I'm able to tear through books at a rate I simply couldn't before, because I never carried around all of the books I was currently reading.(这种方式使得我撕碎了一定比率的书,以前则不能,因为我从来不会随身携带我正在阅读的书籍。)
Then one day, a good year and a half after the visit to the diagnostic pediatrician, I decided to tear open the metaphorical credit card envelope and take a cold, hard look at the fine print.(然后在一年半后的一天,从诊断儿科医生那里回来以后,我决定打开这个信用卡信封,冲了个凉水澡,艰难的看着这些小字体。)
And at minus 45c, even wearing glasses gets tricky: the metal sticks to your cheeks and will tear off chunks of flesh when you decide to remove them.(零下45度,你的眼镜会变得诡异起来:眼镜杆会粘在你的面颊上,如果你想把眼镜取下来,它会把脸上的肉一起撕下。)
tear at是什么意思 tear at在线翻译 tear at什么意思 tear at的意思 tear at的翻译 tear at的解释 tear at的发音 tear at的同义词