英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:19:16



英 [ˈtenjuəs]

美 [ˈtɛnjuəs]


副词: tenuously 名词: tenuousness

  • 详情解释

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 脆弱的
  • 稀薄的
  • 贫乏的
  • 纤细的
  • 薄的
  • 无力的
  • 平淡的
  • 空洞无力的
  • 细的
  • 精细的
  • 微细的
  • 微弱的
  • 缥缈的
  • 易断的
  • 烦琐的
  • 软弱无力的
  • 证据不足的
  • 空洞无物的
  • 无关紧要的
  • 细微的

1. (联系)脆弱的;(理由)站不住脚的,牵强的;(地位)不稳固的
If you describe something such as a connection, a reason, or someone's position as tenuous, you mean that it is very uncertain or weak.

e.g. The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous...
e.g. This decision puts the President in a somewhat tenuous position.

The sub-plots are only tenuously interconnected.

1. 纤弱的:肺动脉下VSD型DOLV是第二常见的类型(圆锥隔缺损型,the conal septal defect type),圆锥隔发育极度不良(tends to be very dificient),可能存在纤弱的(tenuous)肺动脉-二尖瓣纤维连续,并且肺动脉以不同程度跨越在室间隔上.

2. 稀薄的:penury 贫困, 贫穷 | tenuous 稀薄的 | ecstasy 入迷

3. 纤细的:tenuity 薄 | tenuous 纤细的 | tenure 保有条件

  • 经典引文

  • The image of the sun faintly reflected back from..tenuous gas in space.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He did not speculate on the future of his tenuous career.(他没有考虑到自己不稳定的职业前景。)
The encryption used by secure websites relies on tenuous relationships.(安全网站使用的加密依赖脆弱的关系。)
For this there is only tenuous empirical support when interest rates are close to zero.(对于这一点,当利率接近零时,只有微弱的经验方面的支持。)
Unfortunately, the prospects for controlling costs are tenuous.(不幸的是,控制支出的前景渺茫。)
Now, the most tenuous of news reports has ramped the talk up again.(目前这则最飘渺的新闻报道再一次被重提。)
If our self respect is based on the praise of others then our self respect will be very tenuous.(如果我们的自我尊重建立在他人的表扬之上,那么这种自我尊重将是非常脆弱的。)
Even at its most tenuous and hollowed out, he finds some shape, a sense of cyclic pattern.(甚至在它最纤细也被耗尽的时刻,他看到生命的老去所展现出的轮回之义。)
In tenuous times, your supervisor is one of the few people who may be able to shield you from a layoff.(在经济危机时期,你的上司可能是能够保护你不被裁员的人之一。)
Dugongs are now legally protected throughout their range, but their populations are still in a tenuous state.(儒艮目前在整个范围内受到法律的保护,但其数量仍然处于贫乏的状态中。)
For example, the relationship between happiness and income is complicated, and after a point, tenuous.(例如,幸福和收入的关系比较复杂,但是超过某一个点之后,它们的关联就很薄弱了。)
tenuous是什么意思 tenuous在线翻译 tenuous什么意思 tenuous的意思 tenuous的翻译 tenuous的解释 tenuous的发音 tenuous的同义词