英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:19:43



英 [ˈtɜ:maɪt]

美 [ˈtɜ:rmaɪt]



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1. whitish soft-bodied ant-like social insect that feeds on wood

Synonym: white ant

1. 白蚁
Termites are small white insects which live in hot countries in homes made of earth. Termites do a lot of damage by eating wood.

1. 特米特铅基轴承合金:termite resistant cable 防蚁光缆 | Termite 特米特铅基轴承合金 | Termitkill 邻二氯苯

2. 白蚁;加热剂:terminus 终点;目标 | termite 白蚁;加热剂 | terms hereinafter 下述条款

To 1% imidaclorprid powder, the termite had first toxicant transmitting ability, but nearly not to 0.25% imidaclorprid powder.(白蚁对1%的吡虫啉均有一级传毒能力,0.25%的吡虫啉基本上无一级传毒能力。)
It can prevent cables from termite efficiently. There is no need to use other methods.(产品能有效地防白蚁对电缆的危害,无需其它辅助防治方法。)
Not the ugly color of a termite!(而不是白蚁丑陋的色彩!)
This is also a truth, with no words have ever expressed in this way. That is, hunger could turn a child into a termite.(这也是一个真理,但没有用话语来表达过:饥饿可以把小孩子变成白蚁。)
Termite often destroys wood.(白蚁经常破坏树木。)
Termite fishing with twigs and the mid-ribs of leaves were two.(用小树枝和树叶中脉钓取白蚁是其中的两种模式。)
I wanted something similar to Termite that was open source.(我想类似的白蚁的是开源的。)
A double rainbow frames termite mounds in Australia's grasslands.(双重彩虹笼罩了澳大利亚草原上的白蚁冢。)
When the next termite finds that grain, they drop theirs too.(当下一只白蚁发现那粒谷粒时,它们也会扔下它们的谷粒。)
Not even a termite can digest cellulose.(即使是白蚁也无法消化纤维素。)
termite是什么意思 termite在线翻译 termite什么意思 termite的意思 termite的翻译 termite的解释 termite的发音 termite的同义词