英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 23:04:53



英 [ˈterəs]

美 [ˈtɛrɪs]


vt.使成梯田;给 ... 建阳台

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给 ... 建阳台

过去式: terraced 过去分词: terraced 现在分词: terracing 第三人称单数: terraces

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  • 梯田
  • 阳台;露台;平台
  • 台地;阶地
  • 露天平台
  • (露天)阶梯看台
  • 楼厅
  • 联排屋,排屋,排房
  • 有花坛的庭园
  • 柱廊
  • 平屋顶
  • 小公园
  • 使成梯形地,使成梯田
  • 使有露台,给 ... 建阳台
  • 使成台地,使成阶地
  • 使成坛, 把…筑成坛
  • 筑坛建造成平顶
  • 做梯田
  • 成阶地
  • [C]平台 a flat area of stone or grass outside a house, where people sit and sometimes eat
  • [C]台地,梯田 level piece of ground on a slope or cut from a slope
  • vt. 使(某物)成梯田形或台阶形 form (sth) into a terrace or terraces


1. usually paved outdoor area adjoining a residence

Synonym: patio

2. a row of houses built in a similar style and having common dividing walls (or the street on which they face)

e.g. Grosvenor Terrace

3. a level shelf of land interrupting a declivity (with steep slopes above and below)

Synonym: bench


1. make into terraces as for cultivation

e.g. The Incas terraced their mountainous land

2. provide (a house) with a terrace

e.g. We terrassed the country house

Synonym: terrasse

1. 排屋(指相互连接、式样相似的房屋)
A terrace is a row of similar houses joined together by their side walls.

e.g. ...a terrace of stylish Victorian houses.
e.g. ...3 Queensborough Terrace.
昆斯伯勒排屋 3 号

2. (房屋外的)草坪,平台
A terrace is a flat area of stone or grass next to a building where people can sit.

e.g. Some guests recline in lounge chairs on the sea-facing terrace.

3. 梯田;阶地
Terraces are a series of flat areas built like steps on the side of a hill so that crops can be grown there.

e.g. ...massive terraces of maize and millet carved into the mountainside like giant steps.

4. (足球赛观众可站立的)阶梯看台
The terraces at a football ground are wide steps that people can stand on when they are watching a game.

1. terrace在线翻译

1. 台:这一服务在全程中提供了五种就餐选择,使得舱室内更安静,并为乘客提供免费的温泉疗养. 乘客可在平台(Terrace)休息室享用飞行前餐. 此外,乘务人员会在飞行开始时,询问乘客是否愿意在降落前被叫醒用餐.

2. 平台:问他们从平台(terrace)上能看见什么. 从原文中提到平台的地方起可以看到作者是这样描写的,站在平台上,看见一个湖,湖中有个岛,岛上有柳树,树丛中有些塑像.

3. 梯田:人们在墨西哥的许多地方都曾发现过史前的水管理系统,进一步研究其中两项工程--特瓦坎山谷广泛分布的水渠和瓦哈卡山谷(oaxaca Valley)梦幻般的梯田(terrace)灌溉网络,将展示出古代水利工程师的创造力.

4. 露台:巨大岩石的阴影(Shade) 庭院的露台(Terrace)......冰冷的夜有人不太喜欢霜月在SH里的表现,其实我觉得霜月表现的还可以,至少能够把那种幽怨的感觉表现出来,能够将苍之歌姬的身份轻轻吟出,

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • She wandered out onto the terrace.
  • The people here grow rice on terraces.
  • The hillsides had been terraced and planted with lemon tress.
  • The music sounds better in the top terrace..than in the lower terraces.

  • The Kusi River..brings down enormous quantities of silt,..terracing the land.

    出自:Westminster Gazette
  • The slope had to be terraced into level areas supported by dry-stone walls.

    出自:C. Milne
Reclining by the pool on the terrace, I watch the sun set over the wilderness.(躺在平台上的游泳池边,我目睹原野落日。)
The window looked out onto the terrace.(窗户外对着的是露天平台。)
Mirrored walls, skylights and large plated windows overlooking the garden and terrace fill this modern space with light.(镜墙、天窗和大型的金属镀窗俯瞰花园和阳台,让这个现代空间充满光线。)
There was an elderly couple on the terrace.(露台上有一对上年纪的老人。)
Flaming torches were positioned at intervals along the terrace.(走廊上间隔地插着燃烧着的火炬。)
Terrace had a very simple question - can a chimpanzee create a sentence?(特勒斯有一个非常简单的问题:黑猩猩会造句吗?)
Constellation rooms come with an alfresco terrace tub.(以星座命名的房间佩有露天阶梯式浴盆。)
They want a terrace on the roof.(他们想要一个屋顶露台。)
Both a staircase and a lift connect the two floors with an enclosed terrace on the roof.(一道楼梯和一台电梯连接两层楼和封闭的屋顶平台。)
He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenched villa in the South of France.(他坐在他位于法国南部的撒满阳光的别墅阳台上。)
terrace是什么意思 terrace在线翻译 terrace什么意思 terrace的意思 terrace的翻译 terrace的解释 terrace的发音 terrace的同义词