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更新时间:2025-03-17 19:21:58
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1. 印度洋:大西洋位于欧洲非洲和南北美洲之间,自北至南约1.6万千米,东西最短距离2400多千米印度洋:(The Indian Ocean)印度洋是地球上第三大洋,位于亚洲、南极洲、大洋洲和非洲之间,总面积约为7617.4万平方千米北冰洋: (the Arctic Ocean) 最小的洋,

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1. An archipelago in the Indian Ocean, the country is seen as a case study for climate change.

2. Some of the world's biggest quakes strike in subduction zones including the catastrophic Indian Ocean temblor in 2004 that generated deadly tsunami waves.

3. Ciguatera has long been known in the South Pacific, the Caribbean and warmer areas of the Indian Ocean.

4. In 2003 MacArthur failed in a bid to set the fastest nonstop circumnavigation of the globe when her mast broke in the Indian Ocean.

5. A flotilla of warships from nearly a dozen countries has patrolled the Gulf of Aden and nearby Indian Ocean waters for months.

6. Warships in the area primarily provide protection in the narrow and dangerous Gulf of Aden, not in the much larger Indian Ocean.

7. The US administration is especially worried about the fate of a law that would extend Japanese refueling of coalition warships in the Indian Ocean.

8. The United Nations says a warning system in the Indian Ocean will cost roughly $ 30 million.

9. He is believed to be the first man to have established a direct sea route linking the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean.

10. Some scholars believe Zheng is the first man to travel a direct sea route linking the Indian Ocean with the West.

1. Sri Lanka would rather have warm relations with India, than get caught in the middle of an Indo-Chinese struggle for control of the Indian Ocean.

2. An aerial view shows Male, the capital city of the Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean.

3. The otherworldly Dragon's Blood Trees and other 700 rare species of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean.

4. the Indian Ocean什么意思

4. The other worldly Dragon's Blood Trees and other 700 rarespecies of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean.

5. The other worldly Dragons Blood Trees and other 700 rarespecies of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean.

6. the Indian Ocean

6. In the spring we left Africa and sailed round the island of Madagascar into the Indian Ocean. But on 19th April the wind began to blow very violently from the west, and we were driv-en to the east of the Molucca Islands. On 2nd May the wind stopped blowing and the sea was calm.

7. the Indian Ocean在线翻译

7. We propose that the South China Sea is an important pathway of the Pacific-to-Indian Ocean throughflow. That is, the throghflow has a South China Sea branch in winter. The annual mean transport of this branch accounts for about 1/4 of the transport of the throughflow.

8. The capital of Seychelles, on the northeast coast of Mah Island on the Indian Ocean.

9. SEC velocity in South Indian Ocean and SEC, NEC and EUC in Pacific Ocean is decreased, the speed of SECC in Indian Ocean and the speed of SECC, NECC in Pacific Ocean is increased.

10. On 9 October 1914 the German cruiser Emden arrived at Diego Garcia, a small coral island in the Indian Ocean.

11. A negative correlation between sea ice area for the Southern Indian Ocean sector 40-90°E and MSA concentration in LGB 16 firn core was observed.
MSA浓度与南印度洋40-90°E区域内的海冰面积具有反相关关系,而与El Nino事件强度无显著相关性。

12. the Indian Ocean的翻译

12. By sheer coincidence, a trio of earth-monitoring satellites gave modelers the pristine, undistorted wave heights they needed for the Indian Ocean tsunami.

13. Such concerns have been accentuated by recent hijacking attempts on cargo ships in the Indian Ocean.

14. Second is the renewal of the navy`s refuelling operation in the Indian Ocean, part of the international effort in Afghanistan and a main symbol of Japan`s readiness to play a bigger part in the world.

15. Also it is difficult to see how the theory applies to the plate between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the ridge in the Indian Ocean.


16. Based upon the comprehensive correlation of climate records from Xinjiang, the Loess Plateau China, monsoonal region of north Africa, the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, Europe, and the Northern Atlantic Ocean, the paper exhibits the characteristic climate evolution in the Tibetan Plateau, and preliminary systematically analyses the intrinsic dynamics mechanism of climate evolution since the last interglacial, especially the last 40ka.
然而,在青藏高原,越来越多的古气候代用指标,包括冰芯(Thompson et al,1997),湖泊(郑绵平等,1989;1996;李炳元等,2000;陈克造等,1990;Pachur et al,1995),孢粉(黄赐璇等,1989;唐领余等,1998;山发寿等,1993)记录表明,40~23kaBP,特别是在40~28kaBP期间,青藏高原存在一个特殊暖湿的气候时段,温度可能同冰后期全新世暖湿期相差不大(施雅风等,1999),湖泊达到了四万年以来的最高最大湖面,高原进入泛湖期,森林界线显著向西、北部现代荒漠草原区域扩展(唐领余等,1998;Shi et al,2001)。

17. White muscle samples of 226 swordfish, Xiphias gladius, collected from Taiwanese longline vessels operated in the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean during May to December 2004 were analyzed for total mercury concentrations.


18. At the same time, Singaporea will look further to the vast areas from the Pacific islands, Indian Ocean and Africa as far as Cari ean Sea for busine and investment o ortunities.

19. Secondly, Mr de Botton is surely right when he reminds us that we rarely if ever think about where our Moments and our fluffy slippers, our 16-gigabyte iPhones and our Thai red chicken curry ready-meals come from, or what an immense concatenation of individual efforts is required to ensure that a fish swimming in the Indian Ocean off the Maldives can be converted, in a couple of days, into individually packaged tuna steaks in the refrigerated-foods aisle of a supermarket in the Bristol suburbs.

20. Such a hole is likely used as an underground antenna able to recharge the batteries of submarines in the Pacific and Indian Ocean through ELF broadcasts.

The Chagos Islands of the Indian Ocean are a military zone, too.(印度洋的查戈斯群岛也是一个军事区域。)
The bathyscaphe has plumbed the depth of the Indian Ocean.(深海潜水器探测印度洋的深度。)
So the pirates are being forced to venture ever farther out into the Indian Ocean to seize their booty.(因此海盗们不得不冒着风险远离海岸线,深入到印度洋去寻找下手的船只。)
The decline is seen in most parts of the world, one marked exception being the Indian Ocean.(这种下降存在于大部分海洋,但印度洋是个明显的例外。)
India is voicing concerns about China's growing influence in the Indian Ocean region.(印度对中国在印度洋地区日益扩大的影响表示关注。)
It is difficult to see how the theory applies to the plate between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the ridge in the Indian Ocean.(很难看出这个理论如何适用于大西洋中脊和印度洋脊之间的板块。)
Many voyages were made to the Indian Ocean during that period.(这段时间很多人航海去印度洋。)
If you look at the Indian Ocean, it's fascinating.(如果你看一看印度洋,你就会迷上它。)
SOME natural disasters, like the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, strike out of the blue.(某些自然灾害突如其来毫无防备,比如2004年印度洋海啸。)
India and China vie for influence in the Indian Ocean, Russia and China compete in Central Asia.(印度与中国争夺在印度洋的影响力,而俄罗斯与中国争夺在中亚的影响力。)
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