英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-20 03:13:42
  • 双语例句

1. Hot spot: a place in the upper mantle of the earth at which hot magma from the lower mantle upwells to melt through the crust usually in the interior of a tectonic plate to form volcanic features; also: a place in the crust overlying a hot spot.
另外,根据有些地质理论,hot spot 的位置一般是相对固定不变的,也就是板块可以漂移,但它却保持不动 54。

2. Due to theprecession of the Earth's rotational axis over the millennia, the Sunno longer rises over Stonehenge in an astronomically significant way, although the photographer was able to find a good spot where the risingSun appeared over one of Stonehenge's massive standing stones.

3. The spot is dirty, random, poor the phenomenon is commonner; Project of a few waste pipe net did not undertake the experiment undertakes construction of conduit total package or groove backfill cubic meter of earth shutting water.

4. Notably, the Great Dark Spot was observed, which was a anticyclone the size of the Earth.

5. Although there's no way that this particular planet could support life, being able to spot carbon dioxide in its atmosphere offers hope for probing the atmospheres of planets more like Earth — and so bolstering the search for life outside the Solar System.

6. Possibly there are many, but the physical road pictured above leads up to the top of a dormant volcano that is a premier spot on planet Earth for observing stars and astronomical phenomena.

7. Fortunately, there were some things that no one could change about it—for example, when the setting sun moves to the spot inside the stone arch of the altar, its rays spread across the ground and each rough spot on the ground is resplendent in the sunshine; or at the loneliest time in the park, a flock of swallows comes out and sings, their desolate song filling the space between heaven and earth; or the footprints children make in the snow in the wintertime, always leading people to wonder who they are, what they are doing there, and where they are going; for example, the dark old cypresses: when you`re feeling melancholy, they are standing there sedately, and when you`re feeling happy, they are still standing there sedately—they`ve stood there since before you were born and will go on standing there until you are no longer in this world; or a sudden rainstorm in the park touches off a pure green and muddy earth scent, giving rise to memories of countless summer occurrences; or the autumn wind suddenly arrives, and there is an early frost, and falling leaves or tottering singing and dancing or calm and quiet sleep: the park is pervaded with an atmosphere of tranquility and a little bitterness.

8. The results indicated that the earth's surface temperature and air temperature of the desert comparing the oasis of the variety range are higher and ascend and descend of the speed are quicker; As the ascend and descend changes of air relative humidity and temperature are different at each observation spot, the variety curve of the air pressure of daytime shows the single type of wave; At each observation spot the predominant direction of wind was mainly souther, still having the southeast or southwester at 12:00-18:00; Wind speed almost is 0 at 20:00; The clean radiation at the morning and the evening of desert are higher than in oasis, the clean radiation in oasis in the daytime is bigger than in desert.

9. Based on the analysis of the causes of unit-stop failure which is caused by a single-phase earthing fault in 6 kV earth-free system in the I-phase project of Shentou Second Power Plant, the corresponding preventing measures, principles and steps to distinguish the fault spot is put forward.
对神头第二发电厂Ⅰ期工程6 kV公用Ⅰ段发生单相接地故障导致机组停运的原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的防范措施及6 kV单相接地故障判别原则和步骤。

10. Here are some of the main features:computes heliocentric, geocentric and topocentric information for all objects; has built-in support for all planets; the moons of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Earth; central meridian longitude of Mars and Jupiter; Saturn's rings; and Jupiter's Great Red Spot.
它的主要特性有:为所有物体计算以太阳为中心的,以地球为中心的和地面点的信息;它为所有的行星提供内置支持;火星的卫星,木星,土星;天王星和地球;火星的中心子午线经度和木星;土星的环状;木星的Great Red Spot。


11. The Dead Sea is a unique scenic spot of the earth, it does not belong to Jordan, the Palestine

12. The cool air and its companion the moon invades this spot of earth, and for a brief time all movement ceases.

13. Protected Areas: One very bright spot is the area of the Earth`s surface now in national parks, reserves and other protected areas.

14. It seemed to him that the moment in which he had first seen the enemy and had fired the first shot was long, long ago, yesterday perhaps, and that the spot of earth on which he stood was a place long familiar to him, in which he was quite at home.

15. Would he not suddenly sink into the earth, leaving a barren and blasted spot, where, in due course of time, would be seen deadly nightshade, dogwood, henbane, and whatever else of vegetable wickedness the climate could produce, all flourishing with hideous luxuriance?

16. Would he not suddenly sink into the earth, leaving a barren and blast ed spot, where, in due course of time, would be seen deadly nightshade, dogwood, henbane, and whatever else of vegetable wickedness the climate could produce, all flourishing with hideous luxuriance?

17. the spot of earth的反义词

17. Would he not suddenly sink into the earth, leaving a barren blasted spot, where, in due course of time, would be seen deadly nightshade, dogwood, henbane, whatever else of vegetable wickedness the climate could produce, all flourishing with hideous luxuriance?
他会不会突然沉入地下?从而留下一块枯荒之地,很需要 sSbBwW.cOm 经过 ssbbww 一段时间,才会看见龙葵、山茱萸、杀生草以及其它8ttt8种种在这一气候中能够 SSBBww 生长的毒草,可怕地滋生蔓延起来。

18. The ad which broke virally on Earth Day 2008, was written by Nash and the directors of the spot, Danny Vaia and Ezra Holland.
这个广告语2008年的地球日脱颖而出,是由纳什编剧,Danny Vaia和Ezra Holland指导。


19. On-the-spot address is the affair that each person wants to face probably, how the fitting in proper form earth's surface reaches own will, acquiring the friendly feeling of the comprehension of the other party, this since is a knowledge, is an art again.

20. In recent years, the research of rare earth elements (REEs) in soil and agricultural is very active, especially the application of the rare earth fertilizer has been developed vigorously, and it has become a hot spot of geochemical research about trace element.

To achieve the level of precision needed to spot planets as small as Earth, Kepler's images are intentionally blurred slightly. This minimizes the number of saturated stars.(为实现观测精度达到分辨地球这么小的行星,开普勒图像有意略微模糊,这样将把星光溢出的影响降到最低。)
The latest rich list pitted stolid industrial muscle against high-tech, with the head of an earth-moving company pipping the co-founder of the nation's biggest Internet search engine for the top spot.(最新的富豪榜深陷在与高科技相对的迟钝的工业力量,与此同时土方机械的公司首脑与这个国家最大的互联网搜索引擎的联合创始人共舞在榜首。)
Our eyesight would allow us to spot the red, yellow or purple fruit in the valleys and hills of a tropical garden that earth was at that time in history.(我们的视力让我们从热带花园的峡谷、高山上,一眼就可发现红黄或紫色的水果食用,历史上那个时代的整个地球都是热带花园。)
Lockheed's plan involves using the combined gravity of the Earth and the Moon to ensure that its craft hovers on the same spot, within sight of both planets.(洛克希德公司的计划中包括利用地球和月球引力相结合,以保证两个星球看到的飞行器是在同一个点上。)
The North Pole is the spot on Earth’s globe that marks the northern end of an imaginary stick Earth spins around.(北极是地球表面与假想的自转轴相交的北交点。)
That famous "Great Red Spot" was originally a "tropical hurricane" that took place over 300 years ago. It covers an area about 3 times the size of the Earth.(那个著名的「大红斑」,实际上是个发生在三百多年前的「热带飓风」,其面积比地球还大上三倍。)
This system adopts satellite linking route to realize on-the-spot teaching and use IP network on the earth to realize multiple modes of interaction between students and tutors.(该系统采用卫星链路实现教学现场的直播,采用地面IP网实现师生间多模式的交互。)
It has been designed to spot exoplanets bigger than twice the size of the Earth.(这艘太空船是用以捕捉体积在地球两倍以上的系外行星的踪影。)
Wine is this spot between the center of the earth and the center of the universe, and there is something that's happening with or without us.(葡萄酒是地球中心与宇宙中心之间的一个连接点,在这之间发生的事,我们或许亲身经历,或许并未可知。)
The monster spot came into view of Earth-bound telescopes last week.(上星期,人们用地面望远镜观测到了这一太阳黑子群。)
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