英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 23:18:20


英 [taim ˈseiviŋ]

美 [taɪm ˈsevɪŋ]


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1. 省时:为了适应低盐和无盐染色,国内外一些主要染料公司都先后开发了一批适合低盐或无盐染色的活性染料和相应的染色工艺,例如日本住友公司的所谓LETS染色法,其特点是低盐(Low Salt)、匀染(Even Dyeing)和省时(Time Saving).

2. 节约时间:time quenching 分段洋火 | time saving 节约时间 | time saving method 省时法

3. 节省时间的:time saving one trip system 节省时间的一步法装置 | time saving 节省时间的 | time scale 地质时代表

4. 省时间的:5:to-do list任务清单/工作安排/任务列表 | 6:time-saving省时间的 | 8:comic book连环漫画册

Tonight the nation switches from daylight-saving time to standard time.(今晚该国从夏令时间改为标准时间。)
Wealth starts with a goal saving a dollar at a time.(财富始于一次存一美元的目标。)
Riding bicycles can ease traffic jams, thus saving time not only for ourselves but also for others.(骑自行车可以缓解交通堵塞,这样不仅为我们自己也为别人节省了时间。)
“Take the first appointment of the morning or afternoon clinic, ” says organisational expert Jamie Novak, author of 1, 000 Best Quick And Easy Time-Saving Strategies.(《1000个最效率的节时妙招》的作者,组织专家JamieNovak告诉我们:“把与医生的预约时间定在早上或下午的第一时间。”)
RDT is a far more full-featured Ruby IDE with a ton of exciting and time-saving options.(RDT是一个功能更为完善的Ruby开发环境,具备许多令人兴奋并且可以节省大量开发时间的选项。)
Aside from the time-saving tips for wsadmin, there are also some space-saving tips you can employ that can translate into faster deployment times.(除了用于wsadmin的时间节省技巧之外,还可以采用一些可转化为更快的部署时间的空间节省技巧。)
One of the really time-saving is "Create from usage" intention action that allows creating different elements from their usage.(一个能够节省大量时间的功能是“从用法中创建”这个动作,这个功能允许从对象的用法中创建不同的元素。)
When we put the clocks forward in March we go into daylight saving time.(当我们在3月份把钟向前拨以后,我们就进入了夏令时。)
And they also expressed a preference for time-saving products, like shampoo plus conditioner.(这些人对诸如二合一洗发水一类可以节约时间的产品十分青睐。)
Then, I share some of my favourite time-saving cd shortcuts, such as how to get to your home directory and how to identify the home directory of any user.(然后,我将分享我最喜欢的一些省时的cd快捷键,比如如何转到您的主目录,如何识别任意用户的主目录。)
time-saving是什么意思 time-saving在线翻译 time-saving什么意思 time-saving的意思 time-saving的翻译 time-saving的解释 time-saving的发音 time-saving的同义词