英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 23:18:32


英 ['taɪmwɔ:n]

美 [ˈtaɪmˌwɔrn, -ˌworn]


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1. repeated too often
overfamiliar through overuse

e.g. bromidic sermons
his remarks were trite and commonplace
hackneyed phrases
a stock answer
repeating threadbare jokes
parroting some timeworn axiom
the trite metaphor `hard as nails'

Synonym: banalcommonplacehackneyedold-hatshopwornstock(a)threadbaretiredtritewell-worn


1. 陈旧的:timework 计时工作 | timeworn 陈旧的 | timid 胆小的

2. 古舊:Time of Woes 苦難時期 | Timeworn 古舊 | Tingrom 提格隆

3. 用得陈旧了的:timework 计时工作 | timeworn 用得陈旧了的 | timeworntest 老化试验

4. 老朽的:timework 计时工作 | timeworn 老朽的 | timidcautious 狷

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  • 临近词

Among these questions, some are related with the activity of VC projects evaluation including fuzziness of the decision making process, timeworn evaluation methods, and low investment return.(其中在风险投资项目评估方面,存在着投资决策过程模糊、评估方法陈旧、投资收益低等问题。)
Identity and connection–it is your task to take those timeworn concepts, spin them around, reinvigorate them, make them fresh and new and exciting.(身份和联系——你们的任务就是接受这些陈旧的概念,玩转它们,复苏它们,给它们注入新鲜的、激动人心的内容。)
In all that time, I've never heard anyone - apart from an entertainment executive - use that timeworn cliche.(在这十年里,我从来没有听说过有人——除了那些娱乐业的高管们——使用这个老旧的名称。)
Although the content of "eight part essay" is timeworn, the form and layout can be used for reference.(内容陈旧的八股文,其布局形式未尝不可借鉴。)
It is not some timeworn practice integral to the games.(这不是奥运会原始就具有的一部分。)
PLG-CD4 method was superior in CD4 cell count for timeworn samples than traditional double-platform assay. The accuracy and reproducibility of PLG-CD4 assay were both acceptable.(PLG-CD4法对新鲜样品分析的准确性与传统的双平台法相当,对陈旧样品分析的准确性明显优于传统的双平台法,PLG-CD4法的准确性及重复性均较好。)
The project is a powerful reminder that digital photos can't ever quite duplicate how it feels to hold a timeworn, sun-bleached, wrinkled old family photo in your hand.(这个项目是个强有力的提醒,数码照片永远不能彻底复制你把陈旧的、晒到褪色的、有皱纹的老全家福捧在手里的感觉。)
Even in the dim light the equipment looked old and timeworn.(即便在昏暗的光线下,这台设备看起来还是陈旧的。)
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