英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:32:26



英 [ˈtɪpl]

美 [ˈtɪpəl]



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名词: tippler 过去式: tippled 过去分词: tippled 现在分词: tippling 第三人称单数: tipples

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 一点一点地连续饮
  • 习惯性地喝
  • 饮烈酒
  • 饮酒
  • 习惯性地喝(酒)
  • 酗酒
  • 一点点地喝(烈酒)
  • 品(酒)
  • 使醉酒
  • 倾覆
  • 倾倒
  • 不断喝
  • 常饮(烈酒)
  • 喝酒
  • 抿装在容器里的酒
  • 常喝
  • 不断喝酒
  • 烈酒
  • 含酒精饮料
  • 倒煤场
  • 筛煤场
  • 翻斗机
  • 自动倾卸装置
  • 翻锭机
  • 饮料
  • 翻车机
  • 致醉的饮料
  • 酒精
  • 喝酒
  • 喝酒比赛
  • 蒂普尔(音译名)


1. a serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg

e.g. they served beer on draft

Synonym: draftdraughtpotation



1. drink moderately but regularly

e.g. We tippled the cognac

Synonym: bib

1. 常喝的酒
A person's tipple is the alcoholic drink that they usually drink.

e.g. My favourite tipple is a glass of port.

1. 不断喝:tipper 翻斗卡车 | tipple 不断喝 | tippler 酒鬼

2. 翻车机:tipping wagon 倾卸车 | tipple 翻车机 | tippy tea 毛尖茶

3. 酗酒:tip 劝告 | tipple 酗酒 | tippler 酒徒

4. tipple的解释

4. 酒:emblematic aspects 象征方面 | tipple 酒 | Irish stout 爱尔兰黑啤

  • 经典引文

  • There was plenty of brandy, for..Lind loved to tipple.

    出自:R. Davies
  • The glass stained sour with his father's tippling.

    出自:D. Lessing
A tipple is another way of saying 'an alcoholic drink'.(tipple是酒精型饮品的另一种说法。)
The community is scattered over a vast expanse of land. But, come weekend, everyone loves a tipple and catches up on the latest news at the local pub.(社区都分散在一个很大的地方,但是,周末来临,每个人都喜欢去酒吧,在酒吧听听最新的新闻。)
Although vodka, the national tipple, remains extremely popular, Russia's beer consumption has more than tripled in the past 15 years, boosted by low prices, ready availability and lax regulation.(在过去的15年里,尽管俄罗斯的国酒还是伏特加,酒烈,深受欢迎。但啤酒因为便宜,好买,管的松,所以消费量翻了3倍还要多。)
This is not an endorsement to drink to excess — large amounts of alcohol will damage your brain — but the occasional tipple may do you some good.(这项研究成果并不代表人们可以酗酒——过量的酒精会伤害你的大脑,偶尔的小酌才对你的身体有所帮助。)
His favourite tipple is whisky.(他爱喝的烈酒是威士忌。)
My favourite tipple is a glass of port.(我最爱喝的酒是波尔图葡萄酒。)
Judy Garland, he recalls, was also fond of a tipple (9).(据他回忆,茱蒂嘉兰也很喜欢烈性葡萄酒。)
As an added bonus, you can also get printable ID guides and fact sheets to help you identify what you see – along with the odd hedgerow tipple recipe.(作为一个添加的额外给予的东西,你也可以得到打印的识别指南和事实表来帮助你识别你所看到的动植物——和额外的灌木树篱酒配方一起。)
Thee so-called digital seasoning also applies to wine, helping drinkers to enjoy their tipple by up to 15 per cent more, if served alongside the right music.(这种所谓的触“数码调味品”也适用于酒类,如果喝酒时能配上合适的音乐,则能使饮酒者更加享受美酒的味道,而且喝的会比平时多15%。)
His favourite tipple was rum and lemon.(他最爱喝的饮料是朗姆酒加柠檬汁。)
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