英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:34:01



英 [tɔɪl]

美 [tɔɪl]



名词: toiler 过去式: toiled 过去分词: toiled 现在分词: toiling 第三人称单数: toils

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  • 圈套,阴谋
  • 苦工,苦役
  • 辛苦,劳累,劳苦,劳碌
  • 难事,困境
  • 罗网,罗纲,纲
  • 魔力,迷惑力
  • 劳动,工作
  • 心血,血汗
  • 迷魂阵
  • 苦干,辛苦地工作,辛勤劳动,辛劳
  • 艰难地行进,跋涉,艰难缓慢地移动
  • 耕种
  • 费力地做
  • 使…过度劳累
  • vi. 长时间或辛苦地工作 work hard,labor with little reward or relief
  • [U]报酬很低的苦活 hard work with little reward;drudgery


1. productive work (especially physical work done for wages)

e.g. his labor did not require a great deal of skill

Synonym: laborlabour


1. work hard

e.g. She was digging away at her math homework
Lexicographers drudge all day long

Synonym: laborlabourfagtravailgrinddrudgedigmoil

1. 苦干;辛勤劳动
When people toil, they work very hard doing unpleasant or tiring tasks.

e.g. People who toiled in dim, dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life...
e.g. Workers toiled long hours.

2. (通常指因疲倦而)费劲地行走,艰难地行动
If you toil somewhere, you move there slowly and with difficulty, usually because you are very tired.

e.g. Arnold had his head down, gasping as he toiled up the hill.

3. 苦工;苦活
Toil is unpleasant work that is very tiring physically.

1. 工作:不过,合理而言,人类完整的生活内容应该包含六个部份:睡眠(包含吃喝洗刷等生物学上的需要)、工作(toil)、运动(playing)、游玩(leisuring)、休息(idling)、灵修(soul resting).

2. toil是什么意思

2. 艰苦的工作:blood 血 | toil 艰苦的工作 | sweat 汗水

3. toil

3. 辛苦:toil on 艰苦工作 | toil 辛苦 | toile 薄麻布

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The workers toiled all through the night.
  • The wealth comes from the toil of the masses.
  • Weapons, made For the hard toils of war.

  • As she would catch another Antony In her strong toil of grace.

    出自:Anthony Cleopatra,Shakespeare
  • Soldiers in the toils of civilian law for thefts.

    出自:E. Birney
  • Servants..toiled all day with mops and scrubbing-brushes.

    出自:Scott Fitzgerald
  • He toiled at his treatise on volcanoes.

    出自:A. N. Wilson
  • 词义讲解

toil, labour, work
  • 这组词的共同意思是“劳动”“工作”。其区别在于:
  • 1.labour通常指需要花很大力气并使人疲乏的体力劳动,也可指脑力劳动,但仅限于具体特殊困难的事情。
  • 2.work含义很广,指任何有目的性的劳动,不论劳动的难易、轻重、时间的长短,是体力劳动还是脑力劳动,也可用来指机器等的操作。例如:
  • He brought work home from the office.他把要做的工作从办公室带回了家。
  • They had pretty hard work getting the roof of the storehouse repaired before the rain came.他们费了很大劲在下雨前将仓房顶修好。
  • I have a lot of work to do.我有许多工作要做。
  • This Association does social work.这个协会从事社会工作。
  • 3.toil一般表示繁重的长时间劳动,带有令人感到非常疲乏的意味。例如:
  • After much toil the furniture was all in the moving van.经过一番劳累,家具都被搬进了搬运车。
  • They spent months of toil on the water conservancy project.他们为这个水利工程辛辛苦苦地干了几个月。
  • The wealth of industrial society could only come from the toil of the masses.工业社会的财富来自群众的辛勤劳动。
  • n.(名词)
    toil, labour, work
  • 这组词的共同意思是“劳动”“工作”。其区别在于:
  • 1.labour通常指需要花很大力气并使人疲乏的体力劳动,也可指脑力劳动,但仅限于具体特殊困难的事情。
  • 2.work含义很广,指任何有目的性的劳动,不论劳动的难易、轻重、时间的长短,是体力劳动还是脑力劳动,也可用来指机器等的操作。例如:
  • He brought work home from the office.他把要做的工作从办公室带回了家。
  • They had pretty hard work getting the roof of the storehouse repaired before the rain came.他们费了很大劲在下雨前将仓房顶修好。
  • I have a lot of work to do.我有许多工作要做。
  • This Association does social work.这个协会从事社会工作。
  • 3.toil一般表示繁重的长时间劳动,带有令人感到非常疲乏的意味。例如:
  • After much toil the furniture was all in the moving van.经过一番劳累,家具都被搬进了搬运车。
  • They spent months of toil on the water conservancy project.他们为这个水利工程辛辛苦苦地干了几个月。
  • The wealth of industrial society could only come from the toil of the masses.工业社会的财富来自群众的辛勤劳动。
    • 近义词

    • 反义词

    • 临近词

    They often toil long, irregular hours for not much money.(他们常常为了为数不多的工钱卖命的从事没有时间规律的工作。)
    Seventeen hours of toil, and nine sous a day!(十七个钟头的工作每天九个苏!)
    I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.(我所能奉献的只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。)
    We have no princes, for whom we toil, starve, and bleed: we are the most perfect society now existing in the world.(我们没有王子,不用为之辛劳、挨饿和流血:我们是当今世界上最完美的社会。)
    Blood Toil Tears and Sweat 1940.(鲜血,辛劳,眼泪和汗水,1940。)
    They advanced with toil.(他们的进展是艰苦的。)
    The logic of the paradox of toil is simple.(劳工悖论的逻辑十分简单。)
    The little toil of love, I thought.(我以为爱的那少许辛苦。)
    I know your works, your toil, and your patient endurance.(我知道你的行为,劳碌,忍耐。)
    Wipe front your brow the sweat and dust of toil.(擦去你们额上的汗和灰尘。)
    toil是什么意思 toil在线翻译 toil什么意思 toil的意思 toil的翻译 toil的解释 toil的发音 toil的同义词