A human figure. A head, two arms, a torso, legs, no tail.(沙滩上挖出石子的地方形成一个人形轮廓,有头、两个胳膊、躯干和腿,没有尾巴。)
With arms bent by your side, exhale and rotate your torso to the right. Inhale back to the center and twist to the left.(在身体两侧端起手臂,呼气将上身转向右边,吸气收回再转向左边。)
Now as the energy grows in your heart, imagine it moving through your torso and into your legs and arms.(现在,随着能量在你的心里成长,想象它在你的躯干中移动,然后进入你的大腿和手臂。)
What advice could you give to the men out there not blessed with Michael Phelps' torso and George Clooney's face?(你能给那些没有迈克尔·菲尔普斯的身材和乔治·克鲁尼的长相的男士们一些建议?)
Mars is this sort of human, flabby torso—it's sympathetic, but it's a different portrayal of wars.(马尔斯是这种人,有着赘肉的躯干——这让人同情,但这是对战争的不同描写。)
It almost looks as if he's on top in reverse cowgirl position, except his weight will be to the side of your torso.(这样看起来男方好像骑在一个颠倒了的牛仔女孩身上,只是男方的重量落在女方身体的一侧。)
The swimmer who makes the bigger wave is the faster swimmer, and a longer torso makes a bigger wave.(游泳者制造的浪越大,就游得越快,躯干越长,则制造的浪就越大。)
As I got closer, I could make out a woman's bloody torso.(走近后,我辨认出一个女人血淋淋的躯干。)
Engage your quadriceps (front muscle on thigh) and extend your torso until you can melt over your legs.(使用你的四头肌(前面的大腿肌肉)并延长你的躯干直到你能够将你的腿弄软。)
She was weeping hysterically, her head and arms draped over Henry's lifeless torso.(她歇斯底里地哭着,脸和胳膊紧紧地贴着亨利那已经没有生命的身体。)
torso是什么意思 torso在线翻译 torso什么意思 torso的意思 torso的翻译 torso的解释 torso的发音 torso的同义词