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更新时间:2025-03-31 20:09:07


英 [trə'kəʊmə]

美 [trə'koʊmə]


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形容词: trachomatous

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a chronic contagious viral disease marked by inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye and the formation of scar tissue

1. trachoma的意思

1. 砂眼:结膜炎 conjunctivitis | 砂眼 trachoma | 听力减退 impaired hearing ; decreased hearing ; loss of hearing

2. 沙眼, 粒性结膜炎 (名):tracheotomy 气管切开术 (名) | trachoma 沙眼, 粒性结膜炎 (名) | tracing paper 描图纸

3. trachoma的解释

3. 沙眼、顆粒性結膜炎:oedema 水腫 =edema | trachoma 沙眼、顆粒性結膜炎 | trauma 身體外傷

  • 临近词

The prevalence of poor eyesight was the highest in the three common diseases and followed by caries and trachoma.(三种常见病中,视力低下的患病率最高,其次是龋齿,沙眼患病率较低。)
Leaves with dense long stalk dendroid trichome, long stalk forked trachoma and long stalk trichome with big glandular cells were resistance to the disease.(叶背毛为较稠密的长柄树状毛、长柄叉状毛、长柄单枝毛和长柄、腺细胞大的粘性腺毛的泡桐为高度抗病。)
About 400 million people are affected by trachoma in parts of Africa and Asia.(约400万人受影响的沙眼在非洲和亚洲部分地区。)
No bubble and trachoma produced, directly grinding, polishing and wrinkle treatment after welding.(无气孔和沙眼,焊接后可直接进行削磨,抛光加工及皮皱处理。)
In the choice of imitation marble lines, but also deal with the line surface is smooth, edges have no defect, no cracks, scratches, or trachoma, whether pure color screen areas.(在选择仿大理石线条时,还应对线条表面是否平整,棱角有无缺陷,有无裂纹、划痕,有无砂眼,色调是否纯正等方面进行筛选。)
Risk factors for recurrence have not been widely studied, particularly in trachoma hyperendemic areas. METHODS.(复发的危险因素尚无深入研究,尤其是在沙眼的高发区。)
Any of a group of microorganisms of the genus chlamydia that are obligate intracellular parasites and include the causative agents of trachoma psittacosis and lymphogranuloma venereum.(衣原体属微生物,贝宗(氏)体属微生物一种衣原体属微生物群,是一种专性细胞内的寄生虫,包括颗粒性结膜炎、鹦鹉病、淋巴肉芽肿的病原体。)
It is also used for used for the treatment of urinary infection pertussis peritonitis septicaemia conjunctivitis and trachoma ta etc.(亦可用于泌尿道感染、百日咳、腹膜炎、败血症、结膜炎及沙眼等。)
The situation on blindness by trachoma, childhood blindness, glaucoma, diabeteswill be discussed.(还将讨论由沙眼、儿童盲、青光眼及糖尿病致盲的状况。)
Objective:To find a new method to detect trachoma chlamydia.(目的:发现新的检测沙眼衣原体的方法。)
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